Not being a frequent participator in the world of downloadable content, this is not a rhetorical question.
I'm not about to answer it because I rarely partake. Most of the DLC I see is multiplayer, anyway, and that doesn't interest me. And of the single-player DLC, by the time it comes around, I'm usually onto something else. There are exceptions, though; I really loved that Left Behind DLC for The Last Of Us .
I'm just wondering how people feel about downloadable content, in general. It has been a pretty common part of our gaming lives for a good eight years or so (in the console world, anyway) and we've heard all kinds of feedback. There are all the conspiracy theories, for instance; gamers who think all developers just cut content from finished games so publishers can charge for it, for example. Others snap up Season Passes for their favorite games and never once regret the purchase.
Which camp are you in and why?
I used to buy a lot of DLC in the early PS3 era.
COD4 and Resistance FOM where part of my first DLCs, but the community was broken.
Soon after that I stoped buying MP DL, and nowadays I rarely buy DLC.
Yes if its for a game that iam a huge fan of get the dlc for it!
It has served me well in the sense that, as development costs have increased over the years, the price newly released games have stayed at $60.
Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 1/26/2015 1:43:18 AM
I spent a ton of money on DLC content for Killzone SF, and don't regret a thing. But the money I spent on the CoD: AW and the Destiny season passes were a COMPLETE waste. I wish I could get my money back on those things…
It's very rare I buy DLC. The reason being say in 5 years time if the PS3 servers shut, I won't have access to it again should I delete the content. While if I had the content on disc it would be safe. I bought the Bioshock: Infinite DLC parts reluctantly this weekend. I wanted to buy the 'Complete(DLC)Edition' on disc, but it has now sky-rocketed in price, so I settled for the 2 parts on sale.
I only ever buy DLC on sales, as I always feel it is content that should be included in the game. Final Fantasy XIII-2, another example. It has the colosseum battles for DLC while in Final Fantasy's prior to this, it was all in the game. Then there is the Lightning DLC which had the epilogue to the game… I just can't justify it without feeling sour. I feel that if I buy a game I should be entitled to all the games content and that is rarely the case these days. It's puts me off buying games Day-1 as I fear in 6 months time there will be a 'Game of the Year(DLC)Edition' just down the line so purchasing the game new feels like a waste of time.
I don't buy much. Most is multiplayer, and I single play. Then there's the odd choice of use. My first DLC was Batman Arkham City ones. But the costumes were useless till you won the game. Sorry, but as cool as changing outfits is, after winning the game, playing it again in a new costume is not much replay value. I guess in the end, it's what does it offer. TLOS offered something new, something more. Adding a few costumes or a new area to battle others is not much of a draw for me. LA Noir was nice as you got more missions. Another, similiar map, not so much.
The single player DLCs (in games like Fallout, Saints Row and of course Borderlands) have been really worth the dineros.
Done right I see DLC as a valuable opportunity to prolong a game that you don't want to end yet.
DLC is like a webisode instead of a full blown sequel to your favourite movie.
For Fallout 3 and New Vegas, yes it has been well for me. For other games, no.
Never bought a single one and don't see it happening anytime soon.
I'm so far behind with my gaming that by the time I bought the games, they are greatest hits or game of the year edition, and include all DLC.
I was tempted to buy TLoU DLC, but I'm planing to get a PS4 and rebuy the Remaster with the DLC later.
Negative. I gotta buy it and it's never worth it.
Dlc can be awesome. It's usually been great for me, but I'm really picky about what I get. The only time it was bad for me was a misleading pack for xcom. It was just costume customization. Nothing else.
DLC mostly sucks. Virgil's Downfall is pretty much the exception.
I couldn't control him, but I'm willing to give it a second chance in the definitive edition.
I don't normally buy DLC.
However, I bought the Season Pass for both BF4 and Destiny; both games I've put 200+ hours into.
I don't regret the purchase one bit.
Whatm i gonna do with that 10% off code?
nothing. it's expired already. I couldn't find anything worth buying myself with it. I thought about Shadow Warrior for $6 but I feel like PS4 indie material has PS Plus freebie written all over it in a few months time.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/26/2015 1:35:54 PM
I passed on the 10% myself, nothing really interest me to purchase anything with it and really no reason for a discount for me since I had no problems logging on to PSN.
If I am honest – I cannot remember one bit of paid DLC content which added anything interesting to any games i possess.
The $2 Elements Tour DLC for Drive Club is heck of worth it. Do check it out.
I have been playing Left Behind TLoU. I'm about an hour in, maybe a little more. Right now I can say if I spent $15 for it at launch I'd have regretted it.
I read it's about 2-3 hours of content. Unless it gets a ton more interesting over the girly-bonding stuff I've done already I can easily say $15 was too much for this.
B..b…but Temjin $15 for 3 hours is like a movie's worth of value so the price is right. No. A movie can be an original experience with new everything. This feels like excess Director's Cut material that didn't make it into the final game for reason of being periphery.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/26/2015 1:32:02 PM
I will say Ellie's potty mouth is impressively convincing in it. Perfect timing and emotion behind it all.
I have a very simple approach to DLC when it comes to the games I play.
I put each and every game I play on a $1.00 per hour must-scale. If a game only costs me one dollar per hour (or less) to play, I will generally buy the DLC for it.
For example, I am currently playing Destiny on the PS4 and Ace Combat Infinity on the PS3. I have put well over 100 hours and about $100.00 into both those titles, and as a result, Bungie and Project Aces have my financial support as long as I keep playing them.
The vast majority of it has been worthless, IMHO. A huge exception to this was the Mass Effect 2 storyline DLC. It did an utterly fantastic job of actually furthering the story and setting the stage for Mass Effect 3. Those missions were some of the most fun I had at any point in a Mass Effect game.
I might add Skyrim to the Good DLC pile, especially the Dragonborn DLC (my character was leveled up near the point of immortality when we finally fought, but still)
I actually buy DLC for games and developers I want to support, even if I play it in two years or don't intend to play at all.
eg. Valkyria Chronicles, the DLC great for me but I haven't even touched half the extras.
It has served me well. Ignore the insulting DLC.
The only paid add-ons I regret buying are the map packs I bought (on sale, mind you) for Killzone. Never once played them.
Every piece of single-player DLC I've bought (also usually on sale) has been worth it. Maybe I'm just selective enough to choose the right ones.
I usually just wait for "complete" editions of games, however.
I can't remember the last time I bought add-on DLC, and I've never purchased a Season Pass. I buy plenty of downloadable titles, but not add-on. I don't play competitive multi-player, so don't ever need map packs. I would be interested in extended campaigns, but I've usually moved on to a new title by the time DLC is out. And lately, DLC hasn't been reviewing well (Mordor, Far Cry, definitely wouldn't have paid more for Dead Kings). I think I almost bought Left Behind on PS3, but had already moved on to exclusive PS4 gaming, and with the re-release, got it anyway.
the DLC i have got i got with GOTY or complete enditions so thats okay but i would never want to buy any DLC just by itself, thats the way i see it
happy gaming