It's a question that changes with each new generation:
How long does the "older" console stay relevant among the gaming community?
For instance, I daresay the PS2 was very relevant for three or even four years after the PS3 launched. Obviously, it was due to the PS2's massive library, and the fact that it was a totally dominant machine throughout the previous era. On top of which, the PS3's slow start meant that many gamers continued to stick with the PS2 for quite some time. However, I'm pretty sure the same won't happen concerning the jump from PS3 to PS4.
The last generation dragged on for longer than anyone expected and as such, "generational fatigue" was a very real thing, experienced by both consumers and developers. It seems as if everyone was pining for the new systems and the instant they arrived, the PS3 and Xbox 360 just dropped off the face of the planet. Honestly, this might be the quickest and most abrupt shift we've ever seen from one generation to the next. However, this also means there's more pressure on the new consoles to perform immediately.
And let's face it, that didn't really happen in 2014. Therefore, I'm wondering if the PS3 experienced a bit of a resurgence during the year, just because we're still waiting on those stellar PS4 exclusives. Or, is the PS3 officially obsolete as of now?
I had hoped it wouldn't be but I honestly haven't played a game on it since The Last of Us. I bought R&C Into the Nexus and Meta Gear Rising but have yet to get around to them because I've been sucked into Wii U games and GTA5. I suspect I'll replay titles like God of War 3 and start others I haven't yet finished but I can't see many new games being released for the platform that I would t interested in. Not like how Sony supported the PS2 anyway.
Five years and GoW 3 still looks as good if not better than the majority of what's on the shelves now. Ascension looks even better.
Kid – that's the truth.
Indeed. It's got some of the best camera work I've seen in a video game too.
Definitely, man. Ben has a great point, though I can honestly say that this is the very first generation that I've been able to concurrently play the previous gen without having to make a mental adjustment for the graphics. I remember when I imported my Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure and Power Stone. Man, it took me 3 months to be able to properly enjoy PS1 again. And even now on the Wii U, a proclaimed vastly weaker system, I am amazed by how good those Draggodon boss fights look in Captain Toad. It's gtorgeous. Maybe games don't really need to look better then they are now. I would be okay if PS4, X1, and whatevers the Wii U successor is were as good as it gets.
Last edited by n/a on 1/10/2015 4:36:05 AM
Wii U is your go-to so it's not surprising you'd have moved on by now my friend.
I want my 1080p 60FPS remaster of both the PS3 GoW games.
I play my PS3 more than my X1 and PS4, but I do think it's dying very quickly compared to the PS2. Can't think of an upcoming PS3 game I want, but there are a ton I still want to play. Got Killer Is Dead yesterday for example.
Killer Is Dead. … I dig that game a lot. I agree there's not hardly any new games coming that aren't cross generational, but the PS3 library will eclipse the collective libraries of the current gen systems for a few years, in my opinion.
Agreed. PS3 is my favorite system. I'm sure anyone who has one could still find an old game to play that they missed out on. I still gotta find a copy of Vanquish.
Killer is Dead was very underappreciated and misunderstood. It's just so uniquely smooth. If you like Japanese games that makes the difference because plenty more are planned for PS3.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/10/2015 11:00:37 AM
yeah this point in the PS2/PS3 cycle i still had a backlog of games from the PS2 but now the only game on the PS3 i still wanna play is Drakengard 3 and thats only cause i had no idea it came out til like 2 weeks ago
Personally I have tons of value left in my PS3.
Though judging by the sales of the PS3 on VGchartz it's clear the PS3 is going real slow. 360 still looks to be doing fine, stateside.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/9/2015 10:59:45 PM
Like many of you I do think the PS3 is dropping dramatically fast, however there are still games out and coming out only for PS3 that I am playing and want to play. I'm currently playing the Kingdom Hearts HD remixes. Tales of Zestiria is still only announced for the PS3. I'm happy Persona 5 has been announced for the PS4, and we have Final Fantasy Type-0 coming in March. 2014 for me has been a slow year for the PS4 I've only truly enjoyed Infamous Second Son so far on it.
I still have a stack of unfinished PS3 games so I'll be keeping mine for a long time. However, I'm not sure I'll be buying anything NEW for the PS3. Currently looking forward to Bloodborne, 1886, Witcher 3, and Uncharted on the PS4!
Even if you don't buy anything new for PS3, PS Plus is still going to give you new games to play between PS4 releases. Which keeps one coming back to PS3.
Nope, I spend more time on my ps3 than my ps4 right now, replying mgs4 and heavy rain, probably I will forget about my ps3 when the ps4 have a ton of great game…
Nah it as a nice library I'm still playing it but after this year it gonna start collecting some dust.
I think 2014 was the transitional period, we got games which were both on PS3 & PS4 but now in 2015 games aren't seeming to be on last and current gen. I was holding out for Persona 5 but now that I know that is on PS4 I can let the PS3 go. Not that I am getting rid of it! I still have my PS3 plugged into my HDTV. But there arent any news games for it I want. Kingdom Hearts 2.5 was the last title I needed for it.
Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 1/10/2015 5:34:00 AM
Think the price has a big impact as well – the ps3 was bloody expensive when it first came out $500-600, leading to that slow start and a lot of people sticking with the ps2 (myself included).
It's been obsolete for me for almost three years already.
I came to the point where I still bought games for it, but was so tired of what that box could perform so I lost interest in playing the games. Some of them I've later bought on sale for PC and played them.
Man was I tired of the PS3.
Today both my PS3 resides in my cabin, and it's perfect there. It's a charming revisit whenever I'm at that place.
You spend so much time on PC with its games and the AAAs I wonder if you aren't missing the lesser known gems that came out for PS3.
Damn, Beam. That post was as heartless as I have read from you. lol.
World, I wonder if the are going to see less of those in this gen. PS3 had a ton like Killer is Dead, Project Diva, Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom, NeverDead (I'll go to my grave defending this game!), Bionic Commando, Dark Void, Folklore, Nier, Dante's Inferno, Brutal Legend, Lollipop Chainsaw….the list could go on and on. We had a couple last year like Murdered: Soul, Lords of the Fallen, and Crime and Punishment for current gen but I wonder if they are stubborn holdouts against the extremely profit oriented landscape it has become.
Last edited by n/a on 1/10/2015 12:06:06 PM
I'll defend Dark Void and Dante's Inferno to my bitter end. Dark Void was a jetpack game for Gods sake! There are none of those. You had a neat story and you could friggin fly with the UFOs and land for anti-personnel destruction! Vertical cliffside combat before Uncharted 3!
And Inferno was such a wonderfully designed and powerful interpretation of the poem it has inspired me to write my own version. A much better journey than any God of War.
Avast ye mateys!
Defo not obsolete, it's still where all the games and coming games are to be found. PS4 needs 2-3 more years of exclusives and non-dual generation games to overtake this behemoth.
However! The ease with which games being devved for PS3 can be switched over to PS4 makes PS4's fight to kill PS3 easier.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/10/2015 11:01:35 AM
I have to say the the fact that there are 20 million PS4'S to make games for will make it easier for developers to just focus on PS4. So I think PS3 will become the kiddie system next price drop and that will give it life till 2018 at most.
I don't want it to be, but I haven't been playing it at all lately.
I don't care if the ps3 becomes obsolete. My ps3 is still my best multimedia player, I watched movies and videos on it and I use it to play the classic ps1 games that I buy on PSN. ^_^
No way, I have enough PS3 games to last me years and there's not enough generational difference for me to care about the PS4 yet…
Maybe in a year or two there will be enough games on the PS4 I want to play to warrant a purchase..
But other than that I would say the generational difference is probably the smallest ever between an old & new system so unless you only care about playing the latest releases the PS3 would be the least obsolete previous gen system.
i think it'll be a bit of too and fro with the ps3 and ps4 till the ps4 has a larger amount of top game from both exclusives and multiplates
happy gaming