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Celebrate 20 Years Of PlayStation With Your Favorite Games

What happened 20 years ago today?

The PlayStation brand entered the video game world. On this day back in 1994, Sony released the original PlayStation console in Japan.

As such, they're celebrating with a special 20th anniversary video, which you can view below. It shows off a myriad of games dating back to the mid-90s, some of which were really only popular in Japan. Of course, we see classic franchises like Metal Gear Solid , Final Fantasy , Gran Turismo and Resident Evil ; it all reminds us of 20 decades of fun!

Oh, I remember the PlayStation US launch. A very different time. The idea of a Western developer creating anything halfway decent was laughable (and in fact, there were hardly any such titles, anyway), the world of true 3D gaming had just kicked off with Mario 64 , and employees at places like GameStop were actually gamers. ….seems so very long ago.

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9 years ago

Why does Sony ignore Legend of Dragoon as if it's some shameful secret that needs to be hidden..

9 years ago

good question

9 years ago

Turning on a PlayStation (the first one) was quite an experience by itself. After having played nothing but cartridge based games on the SNES, I was astounded by something as trivial as the start up intro sequence of the PSX. It seems silly being impressed by something like that, but back then it was truly an amazing thing for home console gamers. CD's were clearly the best format at the time. It made you go: "Now you're playing with powah!"

With the PlayStation brand, you really felt like videogames had finally grown up. And were no longer merely toys or something for little kids. I mean even games that were targeting kids on the PSX, such as the Crash Bandicoot or the Spyro series, those had a certain edge to them that Nintendo games could only dream of having. And I remember that SEGA was trying too hard to be cool. The PlayStation brand was cool because everything related to it was leagues beyond what Nintendo or SEGA could ever provide gamers.

Ah, those were indeed the golden years of gaming. When games were sold without DLC and when most companies had competent QA programs that prevented games from being released without the need of hefty post-launch patches, as happens today.

LOL Now I sound like an old fart saying "back in my days, we had great stuff this and that. Not like today!". Nah, we still have great games at present too. But def things have changed. Some for the better. Some things made a turn for the worse.

Anyway, my fave PSX game was SotN. The last great Castlevania game ever made by Konami.

9 years ago

I agree with your assessment and can't for the life of me figure out why nobody can create a 3D Castlevania that stays true to the SoTN greatness. I could work up a plan for such a game easily. The reboot was okay but it wasn't Castlevania.

9 years ago

I admit I was not a believer, I bought a Saturn first.

9 years ago

well at the times a was just a little over 2 years old so this makes me sounds a bit old but thats kinda the norm round here anyways and i have felt like playstation was kinda my thing cos i've grown up with it quite literally but yeah theres been some of the very best games and experiences on the playstation. i can still remeber walking up the stairs with the PS2 box in my hand and everyone waiting for it to come home and going into the lounge and setting it up back in around 03' i believe man good times

what can i say its been a great 20 years for me for the most part atleast with playstation

happy gaming

9 years ago

Lol dumba** 20 decades of fun XD

Last edited by DjStiv3 on 11/16/2014 2:03:12 PM

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