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Sony: “People Are Still Buying PS3s”

The PlayStation 4 might be here, but that doesn't mean the PlayStation 3 is dead in the water.

As PlayStation software product development boss Scott Rohde told , Sony won't be abandoning the previous-generation console any time soon:

"People are still buying PS3s. All the different parts of the world just adopt new technology at different rates. We don't know how long the PS3 tail will last. We don't know how it will be compared to the PS2. The PS2 lasted very deep into the PS3 cycle. There was a broad price difference between PS3 launch and PS2 end of life. We don't know where all this is going to go, but we will continue to support the PS3 through first- and third-parties as long as there is a good business there for us."

Yes, the PS2 did indeed last a long time with the PS3 on store shelves. However, price was a big stumbling block out of the gate for the latter system, and the PS2 was the most popular gaming console ever made. At last check, the PS3 sits at about 83 million sold worldwide; how much higher can it go?

For comparison purposes, the PS2 ended up selling around 165 million globally. It's unlikely that record will ever be broken.

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10 years ago

I will pick up another one once it drops to $100. I've done this for just about every console. It's nice to have brand new things in the box.

10 years ago

Does that mean you have a collection of mint consoles stashed somewhere in your house?

10 years ago

That would be correct. I was lucky to have an older cousin (by 10 years) that encouraged me to do this ever since I started gaming.

10 years ago

Really? When do you tend to leave the house?

10 years ago

LOL, Thankfully you don't have my most recent address, World. NANANANANANANA

10 years ago

Wait. Why? Just in case something breaks?

10 years ago

Yeah I agree, Limited. I still have such a PS3 backlog, its nice having another PS3
in another room, and its fun gettng a new system (even the same one you still have), so I can see picking up another PS3 when it gets cheaper

10 years ago

No games or features have compelled me to buy a PS4 yet. If they had made it BC to the PS3, I would have purchased one already. Now, though, my gaming interest still lies within the last gen.

Last edited by TheWuziMu on 6/27/2014 12:11:17 PM

10 years ago

My brother is about to buy one after i gave him mine and it broke, which is the third time a playstation i own has got the yellow light of death…..

10 years ago

That really sucks, I've only dealt with one faulty PlayStation and that was the first PS2 I owned.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

I've only had one playstation brick on me too, and it was only after I dropped it on a hard surface twice!!

10 years ago

It won't have a tail as long as PS2 but I think when the book on PS3 is closed it will be an interesting and successful chapter in gaming history that people will look back on.

10 years ago

One could even consider it an upset.

10 years ago

Yeah the world will remember 360 as the winner for popularity but that won't fit the facts.

10 years ago

I mean it as in even though the 360 had better odds of winning last gen, the PS3 was able to surpass it at the end of it.

10 years ago

I have nothing edgy to add. But I will say Sony's done an amazing job hanging in there, and somehow managing to outsell a console that was out a year before the ps3 was, and still came out on top.

Its true what World said, this was a chapter in gaming history that can't be ignored. Sony's triumph last generation, leading into another ps2-esque launch is solid. Very liquid and metal. Like a snake in the grass. Sony's got guns with patriots to use them.

Sorry been playing MGS2 and aside from the very realistic conversations Jack and Rose have, thats been embedded in my head. MGS so good.

10 years ago

Looking back, PS2 was considered a beast. Outlasting all the other consoles having nearly 13 years worth of games in it's lifetime. Perhaps the PS3 may or may not exceed the 165 million sold globally, but either way it'd be interesting seeing it still supported with new games being developed for it in the next five or more years.

10 years ago

What about the Vita? Is it really selling that badly that Sony isn't even sending them to retailers? Been wanting to get one, but I can't freaking find one anywhere and don't want to spend a ridiculous amount online for one from a third party seller.

10 years ago

The Ps3 is the place to be for rpgs. Tales in particular. The Vita is awesome too for rpgs. I have my Wii U for other games.

The ps4 sucks and will continue to do so until Diablo 3 and Destiny comes out.

10 years ago

@Godslim the third one w ylod so u just get a new 1 n throw the old 1 out wow around here u can get ylod fixed for like $50 w a 2 yr warranty

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