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Resistance Online Update Is Here!

Well, we were all wondering when that massive Resistance update would happen, but there's no more wondering: it's here. Below find the huge list of changes, upgrades, and enhancements this download provides:

The map pack also includes both Westmorland, England and Camborne, England, which are multiplayer maps that support all gameplay modes. You can also play with your friends anywhere in the world, thanks to the new worldwide servers; you simply have to change the new option to "Worldwide Player." The "Map Vote" option has changed as well; they've updated it with the settings, "No," "Free Maps Only," and "All Maps (Map Pack Required)." Lastly, the download featured an update to the "Mute" menu – which is now the "Mute/Report" menu – so you can mute players and even report players that are cheating or being "abusive."

Log on to see the full update details concerning this giant update. Resistance: Fall of Man has always been fun online, but they've made the experience a million times better now, so make sure to take advantage!

Good news everyone, the servers are going to be updated tonight (6/28) and
you'll be able to download the update in the morning!  The Resistance: Fall of
Man map packs are now here!  But there are many other important features and
fixes we want to call out beyond the two all-new environments and the worldwide
servers availability.  You can get the details in the patch notes below, but
some of the highlights include:

Thanks again for your continued patience and support.  As always, please feel
free to send us feedback about the maps and the patch on our MyResistance
forums. We DO listen and we check the boards frequently.

Full notes follow:

Related Game(s): Resistance: Fall of Man