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New TLoU Difficulty Mode Will Feature “Super Aggressive AI”

As you may have heard, single-player aficionados will get a challenging new difficulty mode for The Last Of Us .

It will arrive as part of the new Grounded Bundle DLC and it goes beyond Survivor Mode, the previous hardest difficulty in the game. How exactly is it tougher, though?

Well, Naughty Dog community boss Arne Meyer shed some light on that over at the PlayStation Blog . He said the AI will be "super aggressive" and the mode is reserved for the "toughest of the hardcore." It will also retain many of the challenges in Survivor: No "Listen Mode" for Joel, no button prompts when sneaking up on an enemy, no QTE prompts during melee combat, and increased scarcity of ammo and supplies. Oh yeah, and enemies dole out twice as much damage, while you inflict only half as much damage as before.

Okay, so you can keep that new "Grounded Mode." It's a little too insane for me.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

In other words, they've made it more difficult by making it cheaper. Fantastic job there, ND…

When I heard about Grounded mode, I expected a greater number of enemies, but hoped for, effectively, smarter AI. The game had surprisingly good AI, but the searching patterns when you were in stealth mode seemed quite basic, so that's one thing that I thought they were going to improve on, in order to really make the stealth (which is vital to success in TLoU) more difficult. Instead, they've only made the combat more difficult. I'm disappointed.

10 years ago

They are already lik
e that on easy.

10 years ago

I felt that the enemy AI was already good with the exception of them being blind when they see Tess and Ellie. Would love it if they fix that for the "HD-HD rerelease" or as Squarenix calls it the Definitive edition =D

Plus I prefer a Super Smart AI rather than Super Aggressive. Super Aggressive sorta gives the vibes of enemies charging at the player with disregard of their own safety.

The whole "Enemies dole out twice as much damage, while you inflict only half as much damage as before" is unnecessary, stupid and cheap. It destroys immersion.

10 years ago

exactly whats wrong with this industry.
making a game cheap and unfair does not make it a difficult game, it makes it a cheap game!
developers have just become so f*cking lazy, instead of creating things properly and making things interesting they go the short cheap cheating route.
instead of adding more enemies, smarter less forgiving AI, maybe even different new enemies or a new challenge, no will just town down the damage you do, and amp up the damage they do.
talk about a band aid fix!

10 years ago

You need some serious balls to call ND lazy.. It's just a difficulty setting, they're not going to reprogram every aspect of the game for that..

10 years ago

Not as lazy as making up facts in place of looking up real ones….

10 years ago

Zombies just rush at you when find you.How will they make that more difficult?It takes more shots to take them down?

I can see human AI being more difficult.

Can't wait for The EVIL WITHIN by Shinji Mikami

Last edited by Japanese_Gamer on 5/7/2014 5:53:13 AM

10 years ago

Well, I will pass on that. What they did with Survivor mod was perfect. It was intense and the perfect realism and balance to my thinking.

That said, if you want something more challenging that throws the balance way off, its definitely for you.

I will stick with what I got. Survivor mode, I realized once playing it, is really how you should play the game.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

i think this is a bit over kill but enjoy i guess for someone

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

"increased scarcity of ammo and supplies"

Survivor mode already made me cry everytime I missed a shot… :'(

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