I'd say it's about damn time.
In the past, I've made mention of the fact that video game critics don't exactly lead glamorous lives. There are so many misconceptions about it that it really starts to grate after a while.
That's why I think it's awesome to see a new website that acknowledges those who have gone virtually without applause: It's Video Game Review HQ , "where the critics get their just due." It seems the site is designed to honor the best sources and critics in the industry, and they'll properly hand out a high-five to those who have worked so hard. Here's a snippet from their Mission Statement:
"We’ll bring all the hard-working video game critics into the limelight. We’ll show off their works, give a nod to their publications, and say, 'job well done, good sir (or ma’am, as the case may be).' We’ll search around for highly accomplished reviews, and we encourage our readers to do the same."
The staff of VGRHQ is a mystery, as they say they prefer to remain in the shadows so as not to steal any thunder away from the honorees. They do say the site is run by a handful of long-time industry vets, though.
This is something the industry really needs, don't you think?
Was going to launch a tirade about how whether or not they will actually look at the smaller sites, or just focus on the major populist ones, then read their introductory page, where they mention that they'll take fan input into consideration. Gotta say, that seems pretty damn cool.
Very nice indeed!
Lol they are industry vets that remain nameless they all probably just honor each other n leave the other critics out
Yeah…. probably…. *rolls eyes*
This potentially be a good thing, but implementation very important.
Seems pretty silly and unnecessary, considering.
I don't remember the last time I seen an entirely balanced and objective critical review out there, so I don't really agree with the need for this.
This is like honoring someone for saying something nice about a book they read. Or for posting a good review of a hotel they stayed at. Heck, why not start honoring the people who are honoring the critics?
Last edited by Akuma_ on 4/16/2014 10:20:49 PM
Wonderfully insulting.
Yeah, we don't work. Yeah, it's all just opinion that anyone can do. And of course, there's no such thing as a balanced and objective review because you say there isn't. 'sigh'
Guess you missed the part where every other entertainment industry on earth does indeed reward their critics with a variety of prestigious awards.
Sometimes I wonder why I and everyone else bothers with any of the work when people still hold idiotic viewpoints like this.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/16/2014 10:25:41 PM
The truth isn't convenient enough, Ben. If I don't have someone on the internet I can call worthless, how else am I supposed to validate my own self worth? You expect me to do research? What's next… I have to actually know what I'm talking about?
No no no, Ben. I am not all for that. I'm quite certain that any quick-whipped assumptions that might breeze past my frontal lobes is 100% founded in science. Why else would I have thought it? It has to be true. My brain is a part of actual science man. Are you telling me my brain isn't science? It isn't… BIOLOGY?
Yeah… ok. Good one, Ben. Good… one. Biology is science, in case you didn't know. So that's proof that video game critics don't do any work. I don't need to show you all the proof, cuz you should just know.
You really come across as a pompous prick when you start on this subject, Akuma. Probably the funniest part is how hypocritical it is for you to be posting your feelings on the subject at a place like PSXE, which wouldn't exist without gaming journalists.
Seriously, I find it really frustrating when people start with this kind of nonsense. I mean, I've written for a (non-professional, and on a volunteer basis, though the site is now a part of the CraveOnline network) gaming news site for almost three years now (though I've had to scale my posts back massively since starting uni), and I have to say that writing for it isn't as simple as farting out an opinion. Of course subjectivity is a part of the review process-it's nigh impossible to remove the individual entirely-but it's something that the best critics sideline in favour of giving the game its just desserts. And it's not a particularly easy job to do, especially if you're doing editorial content.
While I appreciate readers appreciating my work, I don't do it for the recognition. There are two reasons that I do it. The first is because I enjoy it; I enjoy writing about games intellectually in an attempt to stimulate potential readers to think differently about games. The second is because I see it as a public service. I see a lot of sh*t critics out there, who do their "job" in a manner that seems to be nothing more than, as stated above, farting out an opinion and I want to act as a counterpoint to that in an attempt to provide legitimacy for the field.
Am I professional journalist? No. Would I even consider myself a gaming journalist? No. I consider myself as a gaming fan who is capable of writing intelligently and (reasonably) objectively about the medium, and so that is what I do, and I put a lot of effort into each and every piece that I write. So, like Ben, I feel insulted when someone like you comes along and dismisses the entire field out of hand as though you're some kind of damn expert without knowing the first thing about the people who write for such sources, or knowing what goes on behind the scenes.
Thanks guys.
But I think something like VGRHQ, while a fantastic idea, won't work because too many gamers hold the same beliefs as Akuma. They give no critic any respect whatsoever, so a site dedicated to giving them that respect…?
Love it but the unappreciative, egotistical gamers probably won't care.
yup, and the sess is leading this……..
What's the sess?
I'm assuming it's some sort of pool that blankline is all-too-familiar with.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 4/17/2014 5:13:10 PM
Adam Sessler
I doubt he'd have to do something like this. And if he did, he sure as sh** would tell people it's him.