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Blu-Ray Player/PS3 Promotions Upcoming

If you're a fan of promotional deals that land you free stuff, than you had best pay attention. The format war has already swung heavily in favor of Blu-Ray, and Sony is looking to hammer another nail into HD-DVD's coffin. The Blu-Ray Disc Association (BDA) is preparing a great offer for consumers still hemming and hawing about purchasing a Blu-Ray player (and yes, this includes the PS3).

If you buy a Blu-Ray player (YES, it includes the PS3!) between July 1 and September 30, you will automatically qualify to receive 5 Blu-Ray movies absolutely free. That's right, no cost. Now, this can be combined with any existing retail offers, like the 5 free Blu-Ray movies you get with the purchase of the Panasonic DMP-BD10A, which means you could feasibly get 10 free Blu-Ray discs!

And it doesn't end there. If you decide on the PS3 as your Blu-Ray player, the Sony Style stores are offering another special promotion: pick up your PS3, two games, and an extra controller at Sony Style between now and July 8, and you'll get a $50 gift card. Any other rebate information can be found at (site not up yet), so you're running out of excuses to avoid placing a Blu-Ray player in your entertainment center.

These deals kick off this weekend, so take advantage!