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First Square-Enix PS3 Title In April 2008?

At this point, it probably doesn't surprise anyone, but it's still a little disheartening. While fans were hoping to see Final Fantasy XIII in 2007, it never really had much chance of that, despite GameStop's very tentative December listing. And now, it appears we have confirmation: Square-Enix will not release any PS3 games until April 2008.

The news comes from a Japanese magazine scan circulating online, where a quote appears from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Basically, it says that regardless of what you may have heard, the publisher doesn't plan to release the likes of Final Fantasy XIII and The Last Remnant until at least April of next year.

Now, we're hoping this means April 2008 is an unofficial release date for Final Fantasy XIII . It's the only Square-Enix PS3 title that makes sense for that release window; The Last Remnant is simply, "TBA 2008." Square-Enix clarified with us earlier that it wasn't "Spring 2008" as initially reported. So all of this could point towards an estimated FF XIII date…right?