Now this is a cool achievement.
Unless we're talking about virtual golf, you typically want the highest score in a video game, not the lowest. It's no real challenge to get the lowest possible score, now is it?
Wait…it just might be. Take the classic Super Mario Bros. , for instance: One YouTuber, who goes by the handle NotEntirelySure, recorded his 500-point effort.
Yep, 500 measly points. It's not anywhere near as easy as it sounds, as you have to avoid every enemy, get no coins or power-ups, and wait until the very last second to jump on the flag (from the very bottom, of course). This is the kind of thing that makes you smile, even if you also say, "okay, this dude has too much time on his hands."
Check it out:
Wow, he didn't use any saves or slowdowns. This is really impressive. I can't imagine even attempting this. Bravo!
Incredible that after all this years (how long has it been? more than 20 years?) that they still find something new to do with that game.
Imagine someone playing TLoU in 20 plus years and doing something similar.
@Bonampak, classic NES games like these are like fantastic sheet music — different musicians keep reinterpreting it, endlessly 🙂
Super cool, thanks for sharing Ben.
And great, well styled, well documented and clean source code.
This is awesome.
awesome, that takes some real skills.
haha, yea, that's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
Lol, at 3:10
Last edited by daus26 on 2/20/2014 2:20:13 PM
haha at the celebration at 4:05
It has been a long, long time since I've played Super Mario Bros. that I don't recall the point system. I do remember enough to know that avoiding all coins and enemies is no small feat. Nintendo should reward this gamer with some sort of unpurchaseable memorabilia.
Here you go a WiiU.
Proof that humans can memorize anything and muscle memory takes over.
This goes against all of my gaming instincts. Incredible!
now getting the lowest score takes about as much skill as getting the best score in a game level thats pritty awsome that this dude as that much patience.
happy gaming =)
Wait… 4-2 had a second Warp Zone!?