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The Darkness PS3 Delayed In Europe

European PS3 owners won't like this, but there is a silver lining if you look closely. According to PS3 Fanboy, this week's hotly anticipated title, The Darkness , has been delayed until July 20 in Europe, although the Xbox 360 version will still release today (June 25). Both versions of the game are also still slated for shipping today in the U.S. As of now, they've given no reason for the delay.

However, here's the consolation: PS3 games are region-free, so all you really have to do is pick up the U.S. version online or something, and that's that. We know you're asking, "why us?" and "why only the PS3 version?" but unfortunately, we have no answers for you on that issue. So in the meantime, you may want to start finding some international online retailers that'll fulfill your need to experience The Darkness before late July.

Well, don't take it too hard, chums. It could've been worse…maybe.

Related Game(s): The Darkness