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EB Games: Guitar Hero III To Cost $100

Sometimes, we turn to GameStop/EB Games for an early look at possible release dates, but they're often only "placeholders;" an estimated date so the retailer can accept pre-orders. Still, they're a good source for upcoming game prices , and it seems Activision's Guitar Hero III is gonna cost you a pretty penny.

Guaranteed to be one of the hottest titles of the year, the third installment in this immensely popular music/simulation franchise is definitely prepared to rock. There are millions of fans out there who can't wait to get their hands on the next entry in the series, but if they want it, they had best prepare themselves: according to the EB Games listing, the Wii version will cost $90 and the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will cost $100. …now that's up there.

Still, if the prices are indeed accurate, look at it this way: Guitar Hero III is designed for multiplayer fun, right? Heck, the first two are party staples, at this point. So that means you can split the cost between a bunch of your buddies, doesn't it? That's right, think ahead, and think smart. We can't say if these prices are official, but it's very possible; we'll let you know if anything changes.

Related Game(s): Guitar Hero III