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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Coming To PS4, PS3, Vita

If you loved the old-school top-down craziness that was Hotline Miami , you're looking forward to a sequel.

That sequel should arrive this fall; definitely for PC, Mac and Linux and possibly for all PlayStation platforms. As developer Devolver Digital said on Twitter :

"PC, Mac, and Linux – hoping to launch on PS4, PS3, and Vita at the same time but not certain that will happen."

Technically, the new effort is slated for Q3 2014. Fans of the original probably want the same tough difficulty although personally, I'd like just a touch more leniency. Not in how the game is designed (in terms of what happens when you die), but just in regards to how you die. Always seemed like the enemy's timing was a split second better than yours…

But anyway, it's nice to see such games do well. It reminds us that at one time, video games were very different and in fact, offered an entirely different type of entertainment. That's why they feel so unique now .

Related Game(s): Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

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11 years ago

Hotline Miami was an absolute masterpiece. An underrated triumph. One of the most addicting and engaging games I've ever played. Great level design, tough enemies and a fantastic atmosphere and soundtrack.

Hope they tighten up the aiming controls, that was my only complaint. Can't wait for the second game. Hope it is for PS3, originally wasn't going out for PS3.

11 years ago

What's interesting is that the Xbone is not mentioned amongst the platforms.