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Microsoft’s Spencer: Naughty Dog Is “Unique In Our Industry”

Wow, this Spencer guy better be careful. Startin' to sound as if he really likes the competition!

Doesn't Microsoft fine your ass for that kind of talk?

Anyway, Xbox boss Phil Spencer took to Twitter to praise Uncharted and The Last Of Us developer Naughty Dog:

"Naughty Dog is a special studio with an amazing track record. I believe they are unique in our industry."

This comment came after a fan asked which Microsoft-owned studio would be the equivalent of Naughty Dog; the question is more difficult after Bungie went solo. Spencer's "unique" statement may translate to, "right now, we don't have anyone who's on the level of Naughty Dog." Honestly, in my opinion, nobody does.

Spencer is also on the record saying he applauds Sony's willingness to support new things , and he cited the company's "stick-to-it-iveness." Of course, he fully expects Microsoft to have a great stable of first-party studios because it's "critical to long-term success."

Well, that's definitely true.

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10 years ago

MS is under a cloud of hate right now for that paid Youtube stuff; it always makes you look better to flatter your competition.

Personally I'm hoping that Ready At Dawn is the next Naughty Dog.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Since I first read about that, I was pretty sure microsoft didn't do that. I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a complete moron to have such regulations in place especially since everything leaks now. It would be impossible to keep such regulations from the public and a company as big as Microsoft wouldn't do such stupidity. If they did, then may the lord have mercy on their souls.

Anyway, from IGN:
Update 1:: Regarding Microsoft's involvement in its YouTube promotion, Machinima told IGN:

"This partnership between Machinima and Microsoft was a typical marketing partnership to promote Xbox One in December. The Xbox team does not review any specific content or provide feedback on content. Any confidentiality provisions, terms or other guidelines are standard documents provided by Machinima. For clarity, confidentiality relates to the agreements themselves, not the existence of the promotion."

Update 2:Microsoft has now commented on the promotion, providing IGN with the following statement:

"Microsoft was not aware of individual contracts Machinima had with their content providers as part of this promotion and we didn’t provide feedback on any of the videos. We have asked Machinima to not post any additional Xbox One content as part of this media buy and we have asked them to add disclaimers to the videos that were part of this program indicating they were part of paid advertising."

10 years ago

yup turns out M$ had nothing to do with that.
but of course ben wont put a update in the article, or create a new one fixing mistakes, because were only allowed to have stories which makes M$ look bad here.

10 years ago

@ ___________

yep this is a pro sony site ben wont update anything that talks smack about M$. that's why i hardly come to this site anymore for my playstation news to many sony fanboys. the fanboyism showed up on this site when the selected The Last Of Us as game of the year. TLOU was the most over-hype game of 2013 its Dead Island, Heavy Rain & Uncharted all rapped up in 1 boring game

10 years ago

That news was everywhere. I would have been disappointed if this site HADN'T reported on it.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
10 years ago


Yes, The Last of Us must be garbage to all gamers because you personally did not enjoy it!/rolls eyes/

The majority of the gaming community disagrees with your opinion. It's your right not like it but to call people fanboys for enjoying something you did not is a joke. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but yours stinks.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 1/23/2014 9:35:07 AM

10 years ago

Yeah… infamous, you aren't entitled to your own opinion if it exists for the sole reason to excuse you from having to think critically about a misinformed stance on any particular topic.

10 years ago

Allow me to introduce you to a little thing we like to call "spin".

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

Yes, ms had no idea that they were paying for positive xbox stuff only. Yup, nothing but the truth here.

10 years ago

But, but, but MS says it was not aware, so it must be true!

In all seriousness, ever since the "We can’t just flip a switch to turn off DRM. The console was built around it. – Flips the switch" thing, I don't know what to believe from them.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Hey kid (you, infamousGod), better run over to about twenty other major sites that gave TLoU GotY last year and call them all "fanboys."

It'll take some time but hey, gotta be consistent.

10 years ago

Even if Bungie didn't go solo, I really don't think they would stack up to Naughty Dog's equivalency.

10 years ago

Yeah, no diss to Bungie but Live made Halo a success.The game was pretty average as a game and bland design wise. Destiny looks great though and would have been a huge X1 exclusive.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

It's so hard to believe anything coming from MS. Decades of deceit and monopolistic behavior, capped by the latest pay for good youtube pub, it's just sooooo hard to take anyone there at face value.

I HOPE what he is saying is sincere. I HOPE MS really is turning over a new leaf – at least as far as gaming goes. I HOPE they realize competition is good for the whole industry – including them. But I'll need a whole lot more to convince me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for two decades straight – nah.

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 1/22/2014 11:40:19 PM

10 years ago

The problem is that they are used to succeeding without trying. The success of the 360 came after a decent start but the console has been mediocre since 2009 whilr the PS3 got significantly better.I will never buy one though as it is too laye for them to build there own franchises.

10 years ago

Personally I'm looking forward to the Japanese AAA Dev's this generation more than the american ones

Last edited by Kiryu on 1/23/2014 2:10:49 AM

10 years ago

nice to see one exec in this industry who does not act like a 8 year old immature spoiled brat!
maybe hes the one who should of left and started at $ony………

10 years ago

Nah, he's just a good PR guy. Most of the time he half-way compliments the competition.

10 years ago

this site as well as many others chose The Last of Us as game of the year!!! You're reasoning holds no validity. In fact i'd say the community here is far more mature than that of polygon, ign, gamespot or really any other gamming site!!! So what if ben doesn't update every single article. I'm sure that while this site is important to him. He has other sh!t to worry about!!! Oh and yes this is a playstation centric site!!! So sue him!!!

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

Besides, updating a PR spin is really a waste of time. They got caught, plain and simple.

10 years ago

CDProjekt Red is comparable to ND in my opinion. They make different styles of games, but CD puts in so much love into their worlds, and stories its just mind blowing.

But this guy is correct to say that MS doesn't have a studio like ND under them.

10 years ago

Hey xenris, what's your PSN?

10 years ago

Xenris 🙂 is my PSN make sure you capslock it. Add me up I would love to have more people to game with 🙂

10 years ago

I sent a friend request to someone called Xenris about a week ago, not sure if it was you. Could you add me? I'm LudicrouslyLiam.

10 years ago

Closest thing Microsoft has to Naughty Dog would be Remedy Entertainment in Finland who are developing Quantum Break.

While I will give MS credit for respecting the competition you also have to remember that Aaron Greenberg and Yusuf Mehdi are still on the payroll. These two guys are nothing but shills. As for Major Nelson, well, people don't seem as receptive to him as they used to. He still has his loyal Majorettes, though.

10 years ago

I don't trust anything MS says!!!!!

For proof, just Google "Microsoft astroturfing" & you'll see how MS has been busted using paid shills at other competitor's sites in the past.

10 years ago

I don't know exactly what Naughty Dog's trick is, but they are doing a great job.

They produce a new IP about every 6 years. But the amazing part is that they step up their sequels. Take what was great about the original and enhance it, without changing the fundamentals of the game. That's tough to do. They keep their initial fanbase and then expand on top of that.

If you look at Uncharted and The Last of Us – they are relatively simple ideas, wrapped up in precision execution. Both games feature relatively few characters (very deep and engaging characters), environments that are gorgeous, plots that keep you coming back for more, and great mechanics. They are also just FUN.

They win studio of the generation in my opinion.

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