It's time to celebrate the new year with big savings!
If you're looking to simultaneously stock up and save some cash, check out the PlayStation Store tomorrow. That's when the "14 for '14" sale kicks off, and you'll find huge discounts on 14 PS3 games and 14 Vita games. Some titles will be discounted by as much as 50% and don't forget that PlayStation Plus members can receive up to 75% off.
This attractive sale runs for one week – between January 14 and January 20 – so you had best strike while the iron's hot. Notable discounts for the PS3 include Crysis 3 (normally $19.99, sale price: 9.99, Plus price: $5.00), Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: Premium Edition (originally $19.99, sale price: $9.99, Plus price, $5.00), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (normally $29.99, sale price: $14.99, Plus price: $13.49), Puppeteer (normally $39.99, sale price: $13.99, Plus price: $7.00), Tales of Xillia (originally $39.99, sale price: $19.99, Plus price: $10.00) and Thomas Was Alone (normally $9.99, sale price: $4.99, Plus price: $2.50).
Vita games on sale include Killzone: Mercenary (normally $35.99, sale price: $17.99, Plus price: $9.00), Soul Sacrifice (originally $35.99, sale price: $17.99, Plus price: $9.00), Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (originally $19.99, sale price: $9.99, Plus price: $5.00) and The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (normally $19.99, sale price: $9.99, Plus price: $5.00). Lastly, as an additional bonus, if you're a Sony Rewards member, you can earn 10x the points when you purchase any game that is part of this sale. All the more reason to spend!
So, whatcha gettin'?
Sweet deals. There's a handful of $5.00 games in there for me 🙂
This is Steam-like sales. Tales of Xillia for $10?! Wow! I would've gotten it but I already bought a physical copy a few months back. I'm definitely buying Puppeteer, Rain, and Thomas Was Alone. And that's all for less than $15!
So getting Puppeteer, as should everyone else.
And, oh crap, I'm going to need a bigger Vita memory card…
That's how they getcha
For anyone that never tried Enslaved, it was surprisingly fun. It's one of those not-quite AAA games that constitute being a "hidden gem". For $5, it's more than worth it. Definitely recommended by me.
Might get Soul Sacrifice, anybody like it?
isnt it free for ps plus users? at least thats how i got mine.
When was that? I might have missed it.
It's on EU PS+
It's good World. Good enough that I Plat'd it which means it's not a major chore 🙂
Music is Great! And the main way to get sucked in its lores and myths is to read on your own time.
ah cool thanks
It was on PS+ just a bit ago. The demo was so crappy I haven't even bothered playing the full game.
Is soul sacrifice this game a bout a demonic book? If so, it was free for ps& for the ps vita a while ago because I happen to have it.
Also, Xilia is $10. I believe you recommended that as an J/ RPG to play. Looks like I'll finally get it.
yeah, i guess soul sacrificedid just leave instant game collection. was wondering why they would put a ps plus price on it. thats exactly the reason why i download everything that looks interesting in plus. theyll be in my download list so ill have access to it whenever. downloaded the free vita games even before i got a vita even now where i have no room in my card. just downloaded them on to ps3.
yeah, xillia is great. i just beat the game before moving to neptunia victory. i played as jude but ill probably do milas story sometime later. because of those two games and maxing out on bf3, i havent started any ps4 games yet. then now theres this sale, probably getting crysis 3, dmc and bioshock infinite for plus, wot be starting shadowfall anytime soon.
Great deals if the same games are not free for Plus members sometime down then line. I guess it all depends on the person.
I am not a PS Plus member anymore so the extra discount is incentive. Unfortunately none that is on the list is attractive to me. I purchased enslaves for $20 years ago, the deal now is good but a bit late. It was a good game but not great. I would still recommend it to give a it a play though for those who have not.
To be honest I think gamers are better off just getting the PS Plus membership and wait for the games to come out for free, eventually, and build their digital libraries that way. Its one way to go anyway.
Keep playing!
enlaved has all dlc i believe. but yeah, since i got myself a ps4 this past holiday, plus is needed so i bought a year of plus during black friday for $30. bought it for when i would get a ps4 but ps3 and vita perks are more than welcome.
I agree PC.
Count me in for:
Crysis 3
3 games = $17.00.
Can't believe i paid 35$ for killzone merc
Sony's games have a way of dropping in price fast. I expect to get GT6 for under $20 in 6 months time.
Hell yea! Finally time to buy Killzone. $9 is a steal.
Yes, indeed. Me too.
my copy of killzone was free. brother bought it and he tires of games easy, lol.
Really wondering if I should grab The Puppeteer. I see it as likely PS+ IGC bait, even so for KZ Mercenaries.
I liked the demo pretty well. It's visually compelling. The game play though left something to be desired as far as 2D'ish scrolling platformers go.
Just do it. You have to support your developers man. Can't expect to get everything for free. The world would burn.
Go and do yourself a favour… grab Puppeteer, enslaved and Killzone.
You can't go wrong paying less than 20 for these 3 games
a bit off topic though asie from these good deals. apparently ps4 has drm which sony said they wont have. my friend tried to play bf4 last night when offline and got a message saying no internet connection and cant verify license. game wont even start to play campaign. did they change their mind about it without telling?
No, but you'd be crazy tot think they dont have a type of DRM policy secretly. Just look at the install size of all ps4 games. Theyre as big as the digital size. Meaning the blu ray is there as a form of DRM to verify you have the disc.
figured it out. apparently the secondary ps4s cant play games offline. only primary ps4s can. i guess this would screw up the people who decides to game share by making each others ps4 their primary ps4 because sonys new gameshare policy is stupid as hell. just keep it like ps3 damn it.
Still DRM I believe.
I'll be getting…..
Crysis 3, Puppeteer, & Rain.
And at only $15.75 for all three, what a deal!!!!!
Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/14/2014 2:12:35 AM
I still have the free $10 PSN credit from my PS4, and Tales Xilla is looking really good.
Make 'em FREE (if only BRIEFLY) and we can talk.