Maybe you're a bit reluctant to ditch your current game console(s). Maybe you don't want to shell out the cash for one of the new machines.
Well, Best Buy might be able to help. As spotted by Polygon , the retailer is offering quite the incentive to trade in an old PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360: A $100 Best Buy gift card.
There are plenty of rules and restrictions , of course, but it's still quite the deal. This promotion only runs through November 23, though, so you had best come to a decision quickly. So long as your old console works, and it doesn't show any visible signs of damage, you should be able to get that $100. Then, if you put that toward a purchase of a PlayStation 4, the price drops to only $300…the original cost of the PS2 when it launched in 2000, if you're wondering.
Expect to see many more trade-in promotions from other retailers during the holiday season. Two new consoles = mega huge potential for used product profit. Retailers love that.
jeesh, what a rip
and don't get a PS4 just yet. N4G's hottest source, cited from the world renown JunkyMonkeys, is warning people not to send their broken PS4's to Sony.
Oh my God, JunkyMonkeys? I better cancel my order.
I'm seriously considering on ordering the PS4 this month through Amazon. Should I really just wait it out? Serious question! lol
I'd get one while you can if you want it by Xmas.
Hmm, maybe patch up a handful of broken Xboxes enough so they turn on?
I passed my 360 on to someone else since I'd had it for a year and turned it on maybe 20 times. This makes me think of repossessing it and getting the $100. I already got my PS4 but that could be two new games for me. Hmmm…
Hope the person doesn't mind 😀
hmm, might be more compelling if the PS4 and XB1 were backwards compatible?
If the PS4 was backward compatible I would take Best Buy up on their offer but I got games I haven't beat yet.
So true. I don't think either console manufacturer realizes what an incentive backwards compatibility is. Why do you expect me to just give up YEARS of games and game saves? WHY are you going to make me keep my entertainment center a multi-console mess? It drive me nuts. They could name their price for a fully backwards compatible console, I and many others would pay it. If you play on PCs, everything you've ever downloaded for previous computers works just fine on your current machine. Why can't we get the same with consoles?
Couldn't agree more about backwards compatibility. Such a waste. Wish I could give more than one thumbs up to you telly. On a humorous note, I have owned a 360 for about a year now and used it very rarely. Mostly kept it for my son. About a week ago my little brother casually mentioned that it will play original xbox games. I stood there stunned with my mouth hanging open. I had no idea lol. Needless to say I broke open an old box full of xbox games and popped in kotor 1&2. Now I'm both happy and feel incredibly stupid at the same time.
Thanks Balian. Indeed, a little known perk of the 360 was (almost) full BC. If only they had carried on the tradition, I would surely have already pre-ordered the XB1, because why not? It will have some nice games for sure, new hardware is fun, I could replay all of my old favorites whenever I wanted and I could give my 360 away to charity to hopefully make some kid happy at christmas. Everybody would win!
Yeah thats a huge rip off. PS3's are still selling conistantly for $150 plus. My buddy just sold his for $175.
That's not what they're worth in trade. If you want to sell it, that's a completely different story.
From my cold dead hands!!
You said it Lord carlos. I plain to keep my fatty 4 ever.
I wouldn't sell my ps3 for $100. Heck my fatty finally kicked the bucket and it's going to cost me to fix it, but I wouldn't sell it for $100 let alone one of my perfect condition ones.
Maybe my fatty YLOD ps3 finally has a use aside from collecting dust… If it stays on long enough, and if they don't notice the broken seal that is.
Lack of BC is so, so frustrating. There are games from this gen that mattered so much to me — Mass Effect, Skyrim, Arkham City, The Last of Us, Uncharted — and I have zero interest in saying goodbye to those games forever. But I'll bet I'm not the only one here who lives in a smallish residence with very limited storage space. How the hell am I supposed to keep all of these old consoles around for those "rainy day" trips down memory lane I know I'll have at some point? Just give me BC and I will TOTALLY buy your new consoles, console makers! Makes me wanna holler.
Not worth it at all. You could probably get more money by selling it with a couple of games.
Not worth it to me either. Consoles are priceless imo. It's one of those things that I don't want to get rid of, for the sake of upgrading and replacing. It goes for games as well. Even if I beat it to death, I still want to own it.
I don't get rid of my consoles.
Partly for nostalgia, partly because I can afford to.
well if any of you have a spare ps3 or 360 then you might like this but i'm not goingto dich my ps3 like ever personally i'll replace i if it dies
happy gaming =)
what a rip!
i traded in both my ps3, 360, move controllers, camera, DS3 controllers, and a few games and couldent believe i actually got a GRAND from it!
i mean yea there was allot of sh*t there, but a grands worth?
yay, that just paid off my xbox one and the launch titles with a little cash left over!