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Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Revealed for PS3

Shown at the recent press event, Sony has unveiled their secret Playstation 3 project, a spin-off of PSP franchise Untold Legends. Subtitled Dark Kingdom, the game is built off of a completely new engine that utilizes the multiple cores of the Cell processor to handle different tasks. In one example, physics could be handled by one core, while audio could be handled by another, and the complex calculations needed for realistic water movement by a third.

The developers want to make full use of the physics engine, incorporating it into gameplay in a similar fashion to Half-Life 2. In other words, you'll use them to your advantage in taking down groups of enemies, battling boss characters, and solving puzzles. They also plan to take advantage of the latter element in order to break up the monotony of the hack-and-slash formula that has defined the series (and others like it) so far.

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom is slated for the PS3 launch window, whenever that may actually be. It will also take advantage of heavy anti-aliasing and the 1080p resolution format. You can see a couple screenshots here .