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Harmonix Asks Public About Rock Band

We know that all you would-be rockers out there have plenty of ideas for Harmonix and their new upcoming music title, Rock Band . You probably sat there playing Guitar Hero or Amplitude saying to yourself, "gee, I wish they had done this," or something to that effect. Big music fans are certainly entitled to their opinion, right?

Well, Harmonix certainly thinks so. They have posted an open letter to the public, asking them what they'd most like to see in Rock Band . There isn't much in the way of details at their official site (all we know is that the guitar will be modeled after the Fender Stratocaster), but we assume it will be updated as time goes on.

Harmonix is likely to see plenty of submissions regarding price; the possibility of a somewhat expensive game is very real what with all the peripherals involved, here. From our end, we hope a significant MTV style doesn't come with the game; it hasn't been "music television" for years, and we can do without TRL, thanks. Okay, your turn!

Related Game(s): Rock Band