It's a great game and you should definitely give it a whirl, especially if you're a big-time fan of the franchise.
In our recent poll, we wanted to know if you planned on picking up the recently released God of War: Ascension . The majority of participants said they'd either pick it up this week, or they would "eventually" grab it. Unfortunately, a fairly significant percentage said they just weren't interested in this iteration, presumably due to the lukewarm critical reception.
This week, we want to know what you think about Sony putting AMD tech in the PlayStation 4. Do you care? Would you rather Sony had stuck with Nvidia, even if it meant creating a more expensive machine? It seems Sony wasn't interested in shelling out for Nvidia for the next generation, and some are saying it's a bad move. Many simply say Nvidia is superior to AMD and a PS4 with Nvidia would've been worth the extra cost. Are you on board with that argument? Or do you like the accessibility of the more familiar AMD (from a development standpoint), and the fact that the console will be accordingly cheaper?
Related Game(s): God of War: Ascension
Not worth passing the cost onto consumers, this particular box has to be more buyer friendly to be a success.
The thing is that I find this box to be so very well balanced. Much rather the AMD chipset (who seriously has a lot of potential in them) than to skimp in on for example the RAM in order to squeeze in a set of expensive Nvidia chips.
Had this been a PC build I'd go for Nvidia simply cause they rule the PC world. But this is not a PC – the developers will focus on whatever is in this particular console, and that makes all the difference.
Last edited by Beamboom on 3/18/2013 9:20:47 AM
Is there anyone else besides me that found the combat to be extremely frustrating? Mind you, I've beaten every other GoW game on the highest difficulty, but I can't seem to hold my ground sometimes on freakin' normal with Ascension. I can't block, I definitely can't parry, and every single time I go for an attack I seem to get slapped around about 30 times. Why, oh God WHY, can you NOT customize the controls??? Not only this problem, but every time a group of enemies appear, the camera seems to pull back about 3 miles or so to ensure the whomping of my already confused ass. Any tips for someone who is sorry they paid full price for this and doesn't even want to do a second playthrough?
Last edited by fatelementality on 3/17/2013 11:41:12 PM
The best advice I can give you is know your combos and have patience. The combat is challenging and yet sooo rewarding. Use your blades but switch it up and throw a circle button press in their once in awhile.
Im not sure why you cant block or parry but thats an intrigual part of the combat, and it certainly is working for me. Its tough, im sorry you are struggling. Im playing on hard and really its on par with titan mode in GoW3.
The camera is just so show the size and scale of the area (im guessing), all the GoW games have done this.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/18/2013 12:15:14 AM
Controls are a little fudgy versus the other games.
I understand your frustration but you have to make sure the timing is right. This is NOT a button masher by any means. I actually don't agree with the poor reviews for this game.
Granted doesnt seem quite like the same "angry asshole" from previous games but I get it. *No spoilers*. The difficulty is indeed a beast though.
I just beat it on Hard last night and man the Trial of Archimedes had me seeing red! But having a strategy and patience (and persistence)I was able to do my Victory dance.
I had to beat that before the patch to nerf the trial comes out as it seems many cant get past that part. Victory is that much sweeter!
The controls are not fudgy at all. In fact this could be the most responsive, tight setup in a GoW game. Arguably of course, but as Snorge said this is not a button masher, and the precise control really stands out. Sorry, "fudgy" just isnt true.
Thanks bigrailer19, I agree this could be some of the better (tighter) controls than previous entries.
Folks just have to practice the controls. Playing on hard, you learn the hard way FAST!
what parts were hard? I'm on chapter 13 or 14 and it's been relatively easy breezy. Granted, I'm playing on normal. The wussy mode that lets you get by without too much thought 😉
I say it's fudgy versus the other titles, which were looser.
Temjin001 if you're sliding through relatively with ease, wait until the Trial of Archimedes (Chapter 28) and let me know what you think. I beat it on hard, so I cant tell you what to expect on easy, er uh I mean normal. 🙂
You better hurry Temjin if you want the challenge, the Trial of Archimedes is about to be patched because it's too hard.
Cool, i look forward to it. I'm on chapter 18. I really like the much improved evade-into-attack moves from this game (once blades are leveled up enough). Kratos definitely feels more like the viscous brawler Santa Monica keeps trying to achieve with him. He may be slow, alas he is no ninja and shouldn't feel and act like one. His strength and power makes up for his lesser agility. He is and should be more brutish in combat. The play feels nearly just right.
I, for one, am not disappointed with this game. I'm loving it. There are a few bugs in it but i can live with that. As always, this game epic in scale and adventure!
GoW had already two prequels, a third one and the fact they promoted the MP so much just killed my interest, also Metal Gear Rising coming before just sealed that I'm not gonna buy GoWA atm and probably not gonna do this year I'm more hyped for Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2.
I would give it a chance. Dont listen to the reviews, this is a damn good GoW IMO! (played every single other one too)
Majority of reviews are actually good I love Metal Gear Rising and it scored less than GoWA, my problem was this being a third prequel and how they promoted the game, I'm gonna buy it but with PS4 coming this year I'm saving money so I doubt I'm gonna get GoWA until it drops price.
I'm lookin forward to Castlevania too, but I hope this one is more recognizable as a 'vania game.
@ fatelementality i feel your pain the game is too hard for me its like playing titan mode to the whole game. theres 2 things that gives me the problem it is dodging and blocking it doesn't feel right also the AI. hopefully a patch would fix it.
I think the problem you guys are having is that you are looking for that relief the enemies have given you in previous games. Enemies before would deflect from hits where now they stand in there against the weaker attacks.
This isnt a button masher, you need to become one with the combos. Blocking works fine you could stand there holding L1 all day and never take damage against a normal attack. Dodge is your best friend as well, by dodging you can evade an onslaught of 10+ enemies, not sure why youre having trouble with it.
dodging and blocking have been altered to make you more human.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/18/2013 2:07:43 PM
Well for me its not the lukewarm reception that stops me. I am just done with the GoW series. Its time for something new. It could have similar gameplay, but new characters, new world or universe.
Not trashing the game or anything. Just no longer intereseted in the series. GoW 1 to 3 is good enough for me.
Keep Playing!
..and too bad more people couldn't just accept that. There's nothing wrong with feeling tired of the same sorta stuff and moving on. There is something wrong, however, when critics set aside their 'objective' assessment of it's quality and hammer it with negativity for this reason. I've played far enough to know this game maintains every standard a GoW fan should expect, sans Kratos's anger. As every new GoW there's many new enemies, new stages, places, abilities and improvements across the board.
This is a game fans of the series who are hungry for more should have and want.
Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/18/2013 3:19:26 PM
Couldn't have said it any better myself Temjin
Brilliantly said Temjin.
I am a devoted fan of the series yet I refuse to play this watered down version of the game that is trying to appeal to a broader audience by losing the essence of its originality. The weapons are lacking in regards to previous iterations such as the Cestus or Poseidon's Rage or the Spear of Destiny. Not to mention the mechanics have changed and frankly it seems that many are praising the game out of sponsorship not from actual opinion. I frankly never wanted the multiplayer experience nor do I care for it only in certain games and this is definitely not one of them. There is nothing wrong with innovation, but there is a problem with molding something that wasn't broken into something else entirely. Besides the story is waning and all this is is a mere shadow of an iteration of previous games deployed out to the masses with lack of substances and just mere combat.
I don't care if they use AMD or Nvidia, that't not the problem. The problem is they use cheap low-end AMD parts, just like they could've used cheap low-end Nvidia parts.