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Rumor Return: Resident Evil 5 A PS3 Exclusive?

Rumors regarding potential PS3 exclusives are flying this week, as we learned that Konami is currently planning to release Silent Hill 5 only on Sony's platform, provided console sales increase. Now, another game is on the radar for PS3 exclusivity: Resident Evil 5 .

Actually, this isn't a new rumor, but once again, a variety of Japanese media outlets have reported the 360 version of the game – initially planned by Capcom – has been dropped. There is no concrete evidence or quotes to be found, but in the past, Capcom has denied any such thing. They're still releasing the anticipated survival/horror title for both the PS3 and Xbox 360, but for whatever reason, numerous Japanese sources want to say otherwise.

From our viewpoint, it actually makes a lot more sense to see Silent Hill 5 exclusive to the PS3; after all, the last two installments were exclusive to the PS2. Furthermore, Capcom has already enjoyed great success with 360 exclusives ( Dead Rising and Lost Planet ), so it seems rather unlikely they'd ignore Microsoft's platform when they release their biggest game of the new generation. But that's just our opinion; we'll keep you apprised of any new developments on the RE 5 front.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 5