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New GTA IV Feature Uncovered

The details for Grand Theft Auto IV continue to trickle out from a variety of sources, and the latest will set your imagination spinning.

Thanks to a recent preview in the Official Xbox Magazine, it appears player will have a new way of transporting…well, any number of things. Many avid followers of the game have seen the Admiral (GTA car model) getting broken into during a preview video, but a bit more of that video was uncovered by the magazine: apparently, when behind the vehicle, an information prompt came up on the top left side of the screen, telling the player to press "LB" (left bumper on the 360 controller). This button will probably be the L1 controller on the PS3's Sixaxis. When you press the button, you pop the trunk.

Yup, the trunk. Perhaps you could store weapons and ammunition in any vehicle you take, or maybe you could even hide bodies! They've been talking about making this particular GTA installment much more realistic, so perhaps authorities could find bodies and then spring into action. Maybe hiding your tracks is more important this time around, and a trunk would be perfect in that capacity.

We'll let you know when we hear more about this feature, and how Rockstar plans to implement it. But isn't your imagination spinning right now? See, we told you.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto 4