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European Store Gets Four New Trailers

The PS3 has been a big hit in the UK so far, and recent feedback points towards a general feeling of contentment with Sony's new console. However, there were a couple major complaints, and one of them was a lack of content for the PlayStation Store. For whatever reason, they're simply not getting the same continual updates the Japanese and U.S. Stores receive.

But don't worry, guys, the content is on its way. Another update is finally making its way to the European Store; in fact, if you check today, you'll find four new significant additions. Sure, they're all trailers, but it's a good sign, and it gives gamers a sneak peak at the two Network titles everyone is currently enjoying in the U.S. The other two are popular movie trailers.

The film trailers are for the recently released Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End , and the two game trailers are for David Jaffe's brainchild, Calling All Cars , and the well-received flOw . So while the content still isn't quite as robust for the UK Store, at least you know Sony hasn't forgotten ya. Go check 'em out!