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Dress Up As Cloud In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII?

If you're a fan of Cloud – and who isn't? – you might just want to see Lightning dress up as the Final Fantasy VII protagonist.

According to a recent FFDream interview with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII producers Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama, the developer is considering various DLC costumes for Lightning.

As you can see through the link, they provided two pictures of Light dressed as a 1st Class SOLDIER, which was of course Cloud's rank. Here's the portion of the interview that leads us to believe that Square Enix is aware of the most popular fan characters:

Yoshinori Kitase: "As you know, Final Fantasy has already offered a lot of alternative costumes, such as the black mage or white mage that have been successful. First you need to consider whether other elements of Final Fantasy are also popular with the public, we still thinking what kind of offer DLC for Lightning Returns. But if there is a strong demand for fans, we will consider the question."

Motomu Toriyama: "You said that Cloud and Zack are the most popular is it?"

FFDream: "Yes, these are the two boys who had the most votes. Girls on Yuna, Lightning and Tifa are in mind."

Despite the wonky translation, you get the gist. But costumes really won't help the die-hard fans much, will they? It's tough to forget what Lightning Returns has become in comparison to past entries in the series…

Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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11 years ago

Soooo……..Cloud can have the feminine voice I've…..always….wanted him to????

11 years ago

The only thing I'm not looking forward to in this game is all the damn dlc… I always thought you were suppose to be happy for dlc, but not the way some developers treat it. I'm cool with them trying to make a profit. Just avoid chopping your main project up so darn much. Bad example: breaking off a piece of the ending or charging us more than 0.99 just for a outfit change. Good example: huge ass expansion packs, something that adds to the game that would usually not be put in it (Asura's Wrath did a good job of that besides the Part IV: Nirvana).

Sometimes it is nice knowing when some current gen titles don't release dlc. Then you know you don't have to dish out more cash.

Last edited by Ydobon on 1/19/2013 10:20:17 AM

11 years ago

I know man, some costume changes are like 5 bucks in games. I mean really c'mon.

11 years ago

AMEN i think borderlands 1 and 2 handled DLC the best so far, it was the only game ive ever bought anything extra for

11 years ago

Hahaha. I can't even be mad anymore this is so silly. Hell after I get it used maybe I'd throw down for an original Tifa costume, though it wouldn't be the same without the bountiful bosom to pull it off 🙂

11 years ago

Nice try, SE. You're still not getting my money.

11 years ago

Where do people start those big petitions? I want to start one that demands SE release whatever documentation they have that has spawned this idea that everybody in the world loves Lightning.

I don't hate her like many do but jeez, it's like they are on a different planet or employing a data research company that makes up its reports.

11 years ago

She's number 1. Actually alot of people like her, its just that she happens to be the star of a mediocre and alright FF game that a lot of people get the impression that everyone hates her.

Last edited by Pandacastro on 1/19/2013 9:32:06 PM

11 years ago

So they are only paying attention to their OWN forums where NONE of the former fans are? That's the problem.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/19/2013 10:09:24 PM

11 years ago

How do you know the former fans are not at their forums?

Last edited by Pandacastro on 1/19/2013 11:05:59 PM

11 years ago

Because we hate them.

11 years ago

Replace we with some.

11 years ago

Cloud has nothing to do with Final Fantasy XIII and I am keeping it that way, no purchase from me. What a stupid idea… I swear everything I hear on this Lighting Returns Spin Off/Sequel is just one disaster to another.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
11 years ago

You can include alternate costumes for every character in the final fantasy series, and i still will not buy this game. When you charged for lighting in the last installment, that was the coffin in the nail. When you square; have admitted she – is one of the most popular characters in final fantasy history. You have surpassed activision in trying to cash in on the lore that is final fantasy. Bating the fan base that not to long ago would have scarfed up anything you shoved in their face.

Those days are long gone, good luck with your new audience. Thats right audience, not fans. Hopefully your new audience is half as loyal as your fans were, the ones that gave you the money to merge with enix and fulfill your ultimate goal of streamlining your games, including final fantasy.

I really hope you fall flat on your face, so that other companies can learn never to isolate their core.

P.S. This will now be two games that you have launched that i have and will not buy. Previous to these two games, i bought everyone on release not used…….New!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

11 years ago

Cloud? Really?!

o_o I don't even know what to say to this.I should laugh to stop myself from raging, but…

I know people have found similarities between Cloud and Lightning's character, but this is pushing it.

FF7 is one of my favourite FF games…why would I ever want to associate the main protagonist with this monstrosity they call "Lightning Returns"?

Oh….don't even get me started on Zack >:(
Lightning is not a likable character. All the costume changes in the world will not save this game….

11 years ago

I wonder if they mean Clouds girl costume or his Advent Children costume. Because if they mean his soldier one then why would they mention zacks. Their the same thing so yeah. Tifa's woudl be nice but lightning isn't very chesty like missy tiffa. Yuna's would be ok but i would much rather them release the FFX HD. Square, do you even lift? (i dont know what that means but it sounds funny saying it)

11 years ago

I`m game if they throw in all the outfits from all the female FF characters in one cheap affordable reasonably priced bundle and the outfits, if used, will be integrated into the cutscenes…

11 years ago

The outfit wouldn't be just Cloud or Zach, it would be a Soldier 1st or 3rd class uniform. In that retrospect, it would be more of a shout out towards Final Fantasy VII in general rather than specific characters, which would be awesome. Also, like it's been stated many times before, outfits in this game are supposed to actually give stat bonuses and stuff!!

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