Well, this is a blow to 2007. Devil May Cry 4 , initially scheduled for this fall, has been delayed until Q1 2008, or January 15, 2008, depending on which source you believe. But either way, Capcom has confirmed that the hot action title won't see release this year.
The game will feature a new main character in Nero – and Nero's own Devil Bringer abilities – slick graphics, and intricate detail, along with the franchise's patented attitude and style. But unfortunately, IGN first placed the date as 01/15/08 during a recent preview, and then Eurogamer confirmed with Capcom:
"Surely the game must be out soon? Not so. Fans have a further nine months to wait until it finally emerges sometime in "Q1 2008", our Capcom rep regretfully informs us."
The reason for the delay? Well, it may center on the fact the game will be a multiplatform release and not exclusive to the PS3. Because Capcom wants a simultaneous release for the PS3, 360, and PC, this could've caused some problems; thus, the delay. But that's only a theory. At this point, Capcom has not given an official reason, but we do know Devil May Cry 4 won't be on anyone's Christmas list this year.
Related Game(s): Devil May Cry 4