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Sorry, Ni no Kuni Delayed A Week For Europe And Australasia

Oh, don't be all depressed, it's not that bad.

JRPG fans everywhere are anxiously anticipating the launch of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch , which is slated to launch in North America on January 22. As reported earlier, it was initially going to release in Europe on January 25.

But according to a Tweet from Namco Bandai PR boss Hollie Bennett (as cited at GodIsAGeek ), they're forced to delay the anticipated game by one week in Europe and Australasia:

"Due to logistics delays Ni no Kuni will launch 1st February 2013 with a free gift to download."

It seems the North American date of January 22 is still on track and as for that free gift, it will be available on day one on the PlayStation Network; it's a Draggle familiar, if you're curious. If you're still wondering whether or not this game is for you, you can can always check out the playable demo that is currently on the PSN. But fair warning- If you're new to JRPGs, you might not like what you see…it really all depends on your gaming preferences. Thing is, JRPGs aren't for everybody.

Related Game(s): Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

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11 years ago

Awww :/

A 1 week delay isn't that bad, but I can't consider it a late birthday present if it's moved into February xD

Oh well, just bought Far Cry 3 yesterday, so I'm gonna be set for a while.

So many games coming out in only just the beginning of this year; not sure if I can keep up!

11 years ago

This comes out the DAY I start another semester. Bahh, at least I know how my weekends will be spent.

11 years ago

Just means I'll be in a better position from being paid beforehand now. I'm not complaining. It also gives me more time to complete Final Fantasy X 🙂 – But either way, DAY 1 Purechase indeed.

11 years ago

I hope Highlander plays it and returns from his place at the fortress of solitude.

11 years ago

He said he was going to boycott it. I think he was kidnapped by his evil twin. Even the article the other day that included used game debates didn't lure him back.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Well, I was missing it anyway, so I can't be disappointed.

11 years ago

Musn't miss, must enjoy.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I don't want to, but not missing would interfere with my holiday plans!

11 years ago

Easy D1P, nuff said.

11 years ago

*cancels preorder*

Na this is fine, gives me more time to finish DmC because it takes me like a month to finish anything (I'm looking at you far cry 3).

11 years ago

why is it whenever these things happen its always EU that cops it?
US never suffers "logistic issues".
really going to hurt its sales now its in direct firing line of dead space 3 and aliens colonial marines.
yea totally different games catering to a totally different audience, but to those who wanted to play both.

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