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Korea Nets 80GB PS3 For Launch

We've all heard rumors about an 80GB PS3 model, but we didn't expect it to pop up in Korea. A Sony spokesperson recently confirmed to that the 80GB PS3 would go on sale in Korea, but there were no plans to bring the new system to Europe. The PS3 will launch in Korea on June 16 with the somewhat reasonable price tag of KWR 518,000 (EUR 412).

The new model with the bigger hard drive got leaked to the press when it showed up in a filing issued to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for a Class II permissive change. Apparently, that filing also included details of suggested changes to the PS3's Bluetooth feature, but the SCEE spokesperson clarified that there is only one obvious difference in the Korean PS3:

"The chassis of the 80GB Korean PlayStation 3 is identical to the chassis of the European version. The only exception is the larger hard drive."

Okay, so will the 80GB version get released in the U.S.? At this point, considering the constant cries for a price drop on the 60GB version, it does seem unlikely. Still, if the production costs really do drop significantly – as they just might do – it's not out of the realm of possibility…we think. But for now, anyway, this model will only be available in Korea.