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Rockstar Hosting Max Payne 3 Triple XP Multiplayer Weekend

If you haven't enjoyed the Max Payne 3 multiplayer, you should consider returning to the fray this weekend.

That's because Rockstar will be hosting one of those uber-popular Triple XP weekends , and developers from the talented team will even sign on to play on Saturday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. EST.

Just for participating, you'll land a Human Skull Mask and the top ten player-made crews will net a Wedding Skull Mask, so make sure you've got some reliable dudes on your team! Oh, and let's not forget the sweepstakes; all you have to do is enter on the multiplayer event page for a chance to win some cool Max Payne -related prizes. However, if for some reason you can't participate this weekend, Rockstar will do it all again on January 11. See, these guys want you to keep playing their games long after their respective launches.

And if you missed out on Max Payne 3 earlier this year, well then…shame on you. The game kicks ass.

Related Game(s): Max Payne 3

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12 years ago

Multiplayer has a shelf life.

12 years ago


And Single play "NEVER" has a shelf life.