And so it goes…brace yourself for the hardware results,
folks, they aren't pretty for Sony. For the month of April it was
Nintendo once again who came out on top, proving that the world
just isn't ready to throw down their cash on next-gen consoles.
The Wii sold 360k systems, and the Nintendo DS brought home 471k.
Sony sold 194k PlayStation 2s and 183k PSPs. Despite the $30
price-drop, it doesn't look like the PSP gained much steam in
sales. But the two losers of the month are the Xbox 360 with
174k, and worse so the PlayStation 3 with an absurdly low 82k.
Nintendo DS: 471k
Nintendo Wii: 360k
Sony PS2: 194k
Sony PSP: 183k
Xbox 360: 174k
Nintendo GBA: 84k
Sony PS3: 82k
GameCube: 13k
Nintendo DS 508,000
PlayStation 2 280,000
Wii 259,000
Xbox 360 199,000
PlayStation Portable 180,000
Game Boy Advance 148,000
PlayStation 3 130,000
GameCube 22,000