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Warhawk Beta Sign-Up Goes Live

It appears at least one of the betas out there is finally public and ready to go, unlike the confusing closed beta trials for PlayStation Home. We knew Warhawk would have a beta, but now we've got the final details:

The beta testing sign up page is live at the official Warhawk site , so if you want to sign up, go for it. You must have the PS3 connected via broadband connection, have an active PS3 Network account, and be 18 years of age or older. If you're interested in taking part in this beta, we suggest you sign up now, because it starts next week, on May 24.

It has been the subject of much discussion and controversy so far this year, bouncing from download-only status to Blu-Ray release to both (which is now confirmed; it'll be available as both a Store download and as a standard Blu-Ray release). And then the beta announcement came, but it was hard to tell when and how they'd be conducting the sign-up process. Well, here it is. Good luck!

Related Game(s): Warhawk