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Media Create Japan Hardware Sales: April 30th-May 6th

By now, you may be thinking that these charts are getting
redundant, and I agree. But not redundant in the sense that Sony
is continuously being outsold, rather that Nintendo's sales
dominance is so overwhelming that it isn't surprising anymore.
Though the charts remain something we look forward to every week.
For the week ending May 6th, Nintendo sold even more Nintendo
DS', a staggering 285k units! Wii sales barely budged in
comparison to last week, with an outstanding 101k sold. The PSP
remains frozen between the 30-40k mark, and the PS3 continues to
underperform thanks a severe lack of content.

Nintendo DS – 285,192
Nintendo Wii – 101,320
Sony PSP – 35,172
Sony PS2 – 14,815
Sony PS3 – 12,974
Xbox 360 – 3,205

April 23rd-29th:

Nintendo DS – 256,063
Nintendo Wii – 102,522
Sony PSP – 33,860
Sony PS3 – 12,791
Sony PS2 – 12,584
Xbox 360 – 3,162