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EA: Connected TV Could Be Lucrative In The Near Future

With cable companies like Verizon and Comcast exploring cloud gaming possibilities, major publishers may have to consider connected TVs as well.

A recent Bloomberg report addressed the fact that the aforementioned cable companies could be looking into various gaming opportunities and Electronic Arts was mentioned as a potential partner.

In response, EA senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg told GameSpot that while it's a "potentially lucrative prospect," it's at least five years out. Said Reseburg:

"Connected TV represents a major opportunity for gaming on the five-year horizon. It’s long-term opportunity, but it’s another technology that has a lot of potential to dramatically expand our audience."

The Bloomberg report says many companies, including AT&T and Time Warner, will launch their own cloud-gaming services by 2014. Generic controllers would be available and there's even the chance that smartphones could become controllers as well. …yeah, things are changing.

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12 years ago

This will just be another format for casuals to play Angry Birds and Farmville when they get home from work.

12 years ago

no its not, gaikai signed a deal with samsung not so long ago their new TVs are going to have the service built into them.
just goes to show how out of touch EA are.
5 years my a$$!

12 years ago

I'm sayin that's what it will effectively become.

12 years ago

5 years!?
EA do realize that things like gaikai have already been signed for TV deals right?
EA really are still stuck with the dinosaurs……….

12 years ago

He must have the American market in mind. As far as I understand the bandwidth is much more expensive and limited there than many other parts of the world.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with bandwidth, point is tvs with the said services have been available for years!
yea most wont have access to a sufficient connection for a while so they wont be able to use it.
but this is not about the majority, this article is about the success of something over a long not short term period.