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Namco Not Happy With PS3 Sales, Announce Plans

Namco-Bandai has released an announcement regarding their software plans for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. Namco-Bandai cites slower than expected sales of the PlayStation 3 leading them to a less-than-projected sales mark of 300,000 for Gundam Musou (the Gundam beam 'em up that plays like Dynasty Warriors). Namco-Bandai's original prediction for the game was 500,000 sold.

"PS3 did not make a good start, which will make the transition from the old game console to the next generation system more prolonged than we had earlier thought. "This will keep a lid on sales of our video games in the first half, although we believe that sales of PS3 will increase in the second half (to March 2008)," Namco-Bandai president Takeo Takasu said.

With that in mind, Namco-Bandai has announced that they have plans to release 23 PlayStation 3 games for fiscal 2008 (March 2007-March 2008). The Xbox 360 will see 24 games during the same period, and the Nintendo Wii will receive 37.