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Rumor: PlayStation All-Stars Beta Invites Being Sent Out?

We haven't heard anything official concerning a beta test for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale in North America.

And yet, it seems some beta invites may have already gone out to gamers in this region. A NeoGAF user has posted up an email beta invite he apparently just received, and he says he's in the US and isn't a developer or industry insider.

The interesting part is that the beta popped up early in Hong Kong for PlayStation Plus users, so perhaps a worldwide test is a lot closer than we think. Then again, we have to remember that Battle Royale is slated to hit in October so if they want to conduct a beta, it would have to be relatively soon, wouldn't you think? Anyway, just check your inbox over the course of the next week or so to see if they send you a surprise invite. Oh, be optimistic, it could happen!

If not, we're sure Sony will tell you how to get in. At some point.

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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12 years ago

reads news post, gets excited, goes check e-mail, sad face i didn't get a invite. Way to work me up over a rumor ben :P. Anyway im excited for this hopefully i get invited to this beta too. I was invited to play the Little Big Planet Karting beta and im having a blast with it but i can tell it wont b a day one buy for me.

Last edited by raptassassin on 7/27/2012 10:54:41 AM

12 years ago

I don't know about that, but I do know that somehow, when I woke up today, my ps3 was downloading little big planet karting…
Not sure how, I didnt enter any beta code.

12 years ago

I got a email for the littlebigplanet karting game so I guess I can't complain.

12 years ago

I got one for both! Downloading now..

12 years ago

I was invited too for Little Big Planet Karting too and post my comment/request over the blog so i hope they take me on.

12 years ago

I got in! I'll tell you how it is once I play it some more!

12 years ago

I'm in. Ill try to give some details if I am able to do so. Particularly the similarities and differences from SSMB!

12 years ago

Am I the only one who isn't looking forward to this one? My son played the living daylights out of Smash Bros. and I didn't get the appeal at all. Guess I am getting outta touch in my old age. lol

12 years ago

Not a rumor, I got mine a week ago. ;D