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So…Um…Has Anyone Heard Anything New About Overstrike?

Not that I want to spread rumors or get some bad vibes going, but…

I'm just wondering why we haven't heard much of anything about Insomniac's new multiplatform project, Overstrike . It was announced last year and showed up at E3, and we got a bunch of info and some early media at the time but since then, it has sort of dropped off the radar.

The Resistance developer is capable of doing something pretty amazing, and one would think more gamers would be interested in Overstrike . A four-player co-op adventure featuring both humor and a decent storyline (based on the aforementioned details), the game looks colorful and overall, quite promising. But when we go a while without hearing any updates at all, people start to get a little antsy and worse, a little suspicious. The placeholder release date for the title is December 31, 2012, which probably doesn't mean anything.

You can visit Insomniac's website to learn more about Overstrike if you've forgotten it. But it almost seems like the team is more focused on the upcoming downloadable title, Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault . Any chance Overstrike is being prepped for the new generation now…? The new Xbox may come around faster than the new PlayStation and this title is a multiplat. Plus, Insomniac helped launch the PS3 with the first Resistance effort (which was pretty amazing).

Just a theory that might explain away some of this silence. Not that it's entirely possible, though.

Related Game(s): Overstrike

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12 years ago

I'd be surprised if anyone was particularly interested in this project. There's no question that Insomniac is good but is there a big market for a kooky action shooter?

12 years ago

I absolutely feel the same way.

12 years ago

Looks like Brink but a little better (or maybe Gotham city impostors)

12 years ago

theres a HUGE market for a kooky action shooter!
what else is R&C, borderlands, DN, serious sam, just cause, ect, ect.
from what little they have shown it looks freaking awesome!

12 years ago

You're awesome, no name guy =)

12 years ago

thank you.
no, seriously though if theres ANYTHING we need to cure us of the sever serious stern german joyless military shooters its a cheesy humours fun for the sake of fun action game!
overstrike is exactly what this industry needs, simply because its the exact polar opposite to what is being released almost every week!

12 years ago

Let's pretend you're right no name, when has what the industry needs ever been what gamers want?

I just think it's a weird choice, somewhere between the fun of R&C and grit of Gears.

12 years ago

hows it gritty like gears?
its cheesy humour exactly what the industry needs!
what the industry needs is what people want.
as i said were drowning in the stern serious military shooter its about bloody time we had something that said you know what?
f*ck it todays your day let your hair down and do whatever you want!
thats why so many loved just cause 2 so much.
yea it was of poor quality, buggy, cheesy, repetitive.
but no one cared simply because it did what very few games do.
it took off the leash and let you run loose!
we need more of that, and insomniac will bring their tongue in cheek humour to it as well.

12 years ago

Because it's a new IP people don't know if they should be excited or not.As someone who has most R&C games this generation but didn't care to get AF1,it might be due to people not caring about co-op.

12 years ago

People not caring about coop? What people? I care a *lot* about coop!

12 years ago

Co-op should be an addition to a great game, not the focus of a game. That's how you get just okay titles like Army of Two.

12 years ago

Yup. The focus of the game should be an awesome campaign, and then do the needed tweaks around that campaign so that it also work in coop.
That's the receipt for am awesome coop game, like Saints Row or Borderlands.

12 years ago

I didn't forget about this at all. I just figured that this year (and probably next one too) is already stacked with so many games, especially Sony.

Now, reflecting from the one article where the guy's talking about how hard it is to make new IPs late in the generation or whatever, I wouldn't be surprised if this game would be pushed to next gen instead. Same with Rockstar's Agent. Infact, I think they both would fare off better as new IPs for the next generation, assuming it is soon.

12 years ago

Never heard of it, but it looks interesting!

12 years ago

So, one more title for the PS4? Yippeee! It's coming, it's coming! 🙂

12 years ago

This, Versus XIII, TLG and Agent disappeared from the radar after one announcement.

At least it's only been a year since Overstrike's announcement.

12 years ago

dude, open your eyes theres heaps of interviews around the net about overstrikes absence at E3.
even EA have been asked why it was not showcased at their presser.
hell if i remember right blair even asked ted when he was on Xplay a few weeks ago promoting outernaughts what happened to overstrike, and he, just like EA, said there waiting till they get some more work done till they show it.
they want to show it and be able to show allot and blow peoples socks off, instead of show a small bit of what they have and go dark again for a while.
sounds like a better idea to me, stay dark for 2 years than start showing everything close together to the release date.
instead of show something, than go dark for a year, than show something, than go dark for a year, than show something, than go dark for a year.
rinse and repeat.
of course there focussing more time on showing off the new R&C game, its due out in a few months for crying out loud!
what, you would rather them show off a game thats out in a year or so rather than a game due out in a few months?

12 years ago

Full Frontal Assault is being developed largely by Insomniac East, so the core team in Burbank has to be hard at work on it. Could very well be next-gen; though, from Sony's comments about PS4 release, they don't have any plans to be releasing far behind any competitive consoles. But it could also stay this generation and possibly get a WiiU version. Time will tell.

12 years ago

Sad about what happened to Resistance, but this is not the cure.

12 years ago

The only thing I've seen from insomniac lately is that they've officially launched their first-ever social game "Outernauts", a Pokemon(???) styled game on Facebook.

Launch trailer here:

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/25/2012 1:31:03 PM

12 years ago

Poor Insomniac. They really lost their touch this gen.

They were completely overshadowed by Naughty Dog. Their products have lacked innovation and creativity, especially in Ratchet.

Resistance 3 singleplayer was a great return to form. the online sucked, but I don't need online. If more FPS had good singleplayer campaigns then I wouldn't need to play their botched version of COD multiplayer…