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Rumor: P2P Network Integrated In Home?

Another major development on the PlayStation Home front…provided it actually turns out to be true.

According to an update over at Sony Protection Group , an "unnamed source" has said that Sony has developed a Peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing network that will let users seamlessly watch and share movies. It's supposedly a straightforward and problem-free process, as a user would just download a file and the movie will automatically start to play. But that's not even the important bit.

It seems they're also planning to integrate this program into Home, which would certainly go a long ways towards enhancing Home's appeal when it's launched later on this year. Now, they make it very clear that Sony/Grouper hasn't confirmed or clarified any of this, but they also point out that the source is "very real" and it's "based off Groupers P2P technology," which was recently purchased by Sony. Be it real? We sure hope so, and we do expect to see some sort of update soon, so keep checking back!