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Call Of Duty 4 Site Goes Live

We told you about Call of Duty 4 and its significant environmental change a few days ago. We also know that today, during the televised NFL Draft on ESPN, Activision will provide the viewing public with the first teaser trailer of the upcoming PS3 and Xbox 360 title. However, if you want an even closer look at the game, you can do so right now.

They've already launched the official site , which is full of news, images, and even that sweet new video! You have to register with "" before that stuff becomes available, but it's a simple process and certainly doesn't cost you anything. You'll be able to check out the numerous screenies (one of which is pictured here), and even examine some developer and team interviews.

It's guaranteed to be one of the most anticipated games of the year, so you might want to check this out now. It may no longer reside in World War II, but that only means it'll be an entirely fresh experience. You know you want it!

Related Game(s): Call of Duty 4