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GTAV To Boast Characters From Previous Franchise Entries?

Rumors abound concerning the main character(s) in Grand Theft Auto V , and the latest is most interesting.

According to one source citing a GTAV blog post, we seem to have stumbled upon all the significant players in the upcoming blockbuster's storyline. It's hardly confirmed, but the tie-ins are intriguing, you have to admit. Here's an excerpt:

"According to the blog, the main character will be a man known as Chico Vialpando – a 20 year old who is successful in life and has no problem ‘getting all of the ladies’. It is when he is tempted to join a local street gang and is introduced to Tony Cipriani when things start to spiral out of control. Cipriani should be ringing your alarm bells immediately, as he’s one of the main characters in Grand Theft Auto III."

Also listed is Leo Johnson, who is the son of Carl Johnson. Remember him? Yeah, the main character in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and coincidentally, that was also set on the west coast. Leo and Chico are cousins and as Leo wants to keep his father's legacy alive, he joins a street gang and shocker of shocks, trouble ensues.

It all sounds feasible but are you buying it? Bear in mind that nothing here is official, if you couldn't guess.

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12 years ago

Vialpando…..Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that CJ's homeboy in San Andreas? The dude that was with CJ's sister? It would make sense as far as Leo and Chico being cousins

12 years ago

yes it was. Cesar Vialpando was his name.

12 years ago

Aye, i'm buying it either way.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

The rumor not the game.

12 years ago

''Jaw hit floor'', is this news is true GTA V will be amazing. Rockstar please release the game this year.

Last edited by Kokushi on 5/27/2012 11:02:27 PM

12 years ago

This rumor doesn't really match what the guy says in the trailer.. I would love to see past characters especially someone connected to Tommy Vercetti and maybe Nico.

12 years ago

Of u look at the trailer for gta v again u will see a motorcycle with a guy with fingerless gloves rumors been going around that that's niko cuz he had a pair in gta iv

12 years ago

I thought Nico was boring… Probably the most boring, in the franchises history of people who apparently fall in to the same type of trouble.

12 years ago

Interesting… Although this doesn't make me more or less excited for the game, bearing any truth.

I would like to see them do something like Vice City again. That game was so dang good. More so it was just plain fun, you know, being in that era and all. It was the only GTA game I played, even after beating it. I played it like I would an open world RPG. Just looking for more to do. Honestly all the other GTA's to me, didn't have that same affect.

12 years ago

Me too! I played both San Andreas and Vice City just like I would have played a RPG.
Vice City were great, and when they introduced car and character customizations and girlfriends with San Andreas I thought they took a good step in the RPG direction. I totally loved it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/28/2012 2:58:50 AM

12 years ago

With those characters it would make the game ten times better

12 years ago

I am hoping they will bring back the details of San Andreas. Being able to sculpt your character into whatever you want was quite a rewarding experience on top of everything else in the game.

12 years ago

D1P. Nuff said.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Well… the original source is overloaded with unconfirmed info. I don't really buy it though.

12 years ago

If this is true then this will be one giant return to splendour for the GTA series, and I will forgive Rockstar *everything* that I didn't like with GTA 4.
Gone. Forgotten.

This will be great.

12 years ago

im not so sure about that.
R* has never been big with tying their games together so why would they start now?
thats always been one of the best parts about GTAs stories they have always been full gone conclusions.
one of the best things about the games too rarely were they repeats, normally something totally and completely new.

i wish they would base the city off vice city though, which if you look at the reveal trailer looks a little.
a mix between vice city and san andreas which you would expect since one of the cities is the main city from SA.
hopefully though thats the only city based on it, the rest should be a more tropical modern but 80s based setting.
i hope they bring some of the radio stations and culture back from vice city, it just has such a relaxed yet prime feeling.
thats one thing that i hated about SA, it felt like such a downer everything was so depressing.
they really need to get back to the relaxed yet formal feeling of vice city.

12 years ago

From my experience with the gta franchise, the story has just gotten better and better and bringing back past characters would be awesome, brucie's my all time fav 😉

Loving the gta leaks/rumors lately. Picking up momentum, 2012 release please 🙂