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Tekken Movie Prequel Coming, Ong-Bak Director On Board

Well, if the "Ong-Bak" director is involved, maybe there's hope.

According to The Hollywood Reporter , Crystal Sky Pictures CEO Steven Paul has announced a film prequel to 2010's Tekken theatrical effort (no, it wasn't in theaters; it went straight to video and digital services).

This new one is called "Tekken: Rise of the Tournament" and "Ong-Bak" director Prachya Pinkaew is slated to take the reigns. They don't have any actors signed on just yet, but Crystal Sky will try to grab people who actually look like Tekken 's recognizable characters. Furthermore, they want this one to hit theaters in North America although nothing is certain. We're just wondering if fans of the iconic fighting franchise are willing to reward another movie attempt; films based on fighting games haven't been Oscar-worthy. …and that's an understatement.

I still liked the first "Mortal Kombat," though, as cheesified as it was.

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12 years ago

Rise of the Tournament? What? … are they saying Tekken is what gave rise to the existence of tournaments, or something?

Anyway, I'm convinced these movies are more for the team who shoots them, that being gaining experience to get better from, than for the audience who receives their work… I hope, anyway.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/19/2012 9:55:20 AM

12 years ago

Well the whole Tekken story revolves around a big martial arts tournament, so if this is a prequel movie it's probably alluding to the Rise of the Tekken Tournament.

12 years ago

umm the first lice action tekken movie was just fine as far as FIGHTING goes.. its just everything ELSE that sucked.. and well who watches a movie based on a FIGHTING game and expects anything OTHER than good fights?

Temjin theyre talking about rise of the TEKKEN tournament (or more like the Iron Fist tournament, not all fighting tournaments in general)

12 years ago

Ong-Bak and all of the movies with Tony Jaa in them have fabulous fight choreo. I think this will have some wicked stuff in it. Lets hope the get Latiff Crowder to play Eddy Gordo. He looks almost identical and is an amazing capoeirista.

12 years ago

well ;ateef crowder did play Eddy in the first tekken movie soooo

12 years ago

Meh. The first Tekken movie was so horrible. Not as bad as the legend of chun-li. That takes the cake for horrible video game movies. I don't really have high hopes for this prequel. But since the director of Ong Bak is directing I know I'll watch it regardless.

However I do have high hopes for the new Mortal Kombat movie. I really like the way Tancharoen handled the series. It should be good.

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

I think the second mortal kombat movie was the worst,its like the whole budget went to the costumes…and those didn't look as good

12 years ago

Damn…the first one was horrible. But since Ong Bak director is on board I'm sure it'll be awesome…right?

12 years ago

oh god please no not another game to movie adoption!
sigh, another mortal kombat i foresee.