Now you've done it, Activision. You've got a bunch of irritated fans on your hands…you know you've seen it before…what will you do now?
What is being called the "MW3Blackout" is making some waves; you can check Twitter to learn a little more. Basically, fans of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 are planning a "blackout" day for April 20, 2012; nobody will play MW3 online to make a statement: Basically, they want Activision to address a bunch of game-related problems, starting with persistent lag.
Here's a video that will help explain things.
The list of problems they want fixed is quite long, and it includes Matchmaking options, changes to the "broken spawn system," more hardcore game modes, better Elite playlist options, the removal of any assault killstreaks from the support package, the fixing of LAN settings for competitive events, etc.
Okay, well, just so all you people are aware…if every last one of you opts not to play on the 20th, but then resumes play like normal on the 21st, Activision and Infinity Ward really might not give a damn. Fair warning.
Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
I haven't played the game in weeks. I hopped on for a bit again like 2 hours ago, didn't feel like playing it anymore after 2 matches lol.
Some of the stuff is completely subjective such as no TAC in kill confirmed, removal of assault killstreaks from care package and removal of deathstreaks. I haven't played in so long but now I feel like going on just to protest this blackout 😛
Some stuff is frustrating though so I understand where they are coming from but they have to be reasonable
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 3/29/2012 9:28:33 PM
This is not even on the same level of Mass Effect 3. Nothing has changed.
Give Activision credit, they make their games more or less worth $60. Unlike EA who charge for modes that could be in the game.
Of course each publisher has their pros and cons, but I really think Activision is only guilty of killing Guitar Hero and milking Call of Duty.
Wait, so a cut and paste game very year is worth more than a brand new game from EA? BF3 is loads better than MW3.
I'm not the biggest BF3 fan to be honest. Don't get me wrong it was polished, and played good, had some good online modes, I can see the appeal. But it was a major let down, and the campaign was a drawn out mess. That's just my opinion though. I'm not gonna compare any FPS to each other though. I like the genre, sometimes there's let downs.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/30/2012 1:04:07 AM
But you can't honestly tell me MW3 is a better game all around when it's just MW2 with some new skins. Also, BF3 is a ton better than the Bad Company series. I can't speak to the PC Battlefield games as I haven't put much time into them.
I'm kind of torn on that question. I want to stick up for CoD but it's hard too when all I can say is it is more fun for me haha. So you're probably right I can't say that MW3 is a better game, if were looking at quality it's BF3 and support, well we know the CoD games rarely get patches to fix major concerns so…
I will join this blackout, because I don't own MW3.
I like how gamers are starting to demand fixes though. Where was everybody while I was stuck being a vampire in Oblivion?
lol dang that stinks. Though even with all its bugs Oblivion was a cut above most of other games
Really? Removal of death streaks? Exactly what are the problem with those? Removal of assault kill streaks from the support line up? The ones that require 15 – 18 points that take the entire match to earn? This just sounds like a bunch of cry babies to have their massive kill streaks ruined because they've killed someone a couple dozen times in a row and get blown up with martyrdom. Please.
So go smoke your doobies and eat your Doritoes on 4/20/12 (they choose this date so they would have more time to be stoner losers) and continue playing on the 21st so Activision and IW can laugh at you. If you REALLY want to make a statement… STOP playing all together!!
yeah you have to mentally separate the extra crap that doesn't make sense. As to the date, maybe they are KKK (Hitler bday=4/20) lol.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/29/2012 9:47:34 PM
Dude what does the KKK have to do with Hitler ?
Quite a bit
i think this is possible seeing as how it is "four/twenty".
Doesn't affect me as I quit playing the CoD series a long time ago. Now the recent Battlefield patch has gotten long time players aggravated as well since it allows brand new players to unlock everything in the game for some extra dollars, after we have spent the last few months earning our unlocks.
Are you saying you don't like the Farmville business model? Hehe. 🙂
They did that with BF:BC2, so its not exactly new. Plus, they have to shell out $35 if they want every one of those unlocks, and at least $6 if they want just one of the class unlocks. All in all, I don't think very many people are gonna buy them, and its not a big reason to worry (like it wasn't in BF:BC2).
Nice production values, but the narrator whilst trying to sound all badarse, sounds like hes reading a paper. Pretty discouraging if you ask me.
Sounds more like the guy you hear in cop-chase programmes hahahaha… Also – IW aren't gonna bat an eyelid cos people will still play – not a hope of the number of players being 0 or anywhere near that low.. Plus people will go back to playing it anyway plus its coming up to summer when new games are starting to be brought out – not seriously major patches on current ones that have been out for an age..
Some gamers this generation are absolutely pathetic.
It's hard to smoke weed and play a game with glitches though 🙂
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/29/2012 10:21:15 PM
Lol, they should try coffee instead. It always makes me better at FPS's.
I usually play metal when I play FPS's, when I get into a zen state it's crazy what you can do. 😛
Back in the MW2 days, I got the nuke 4 times. All 4 times I was drunk.
Lol You must be a beast Underdog when you're drunk. xD I've come so close to getting a nuke many times in MW2 but I keep getting buzzed killed. :/ I've gotten a good amount of MOAB's though in MW3. I have 14, but what's crazy though my friend has 200 of them smh.
The weird thing though is my friend drinks a lot when playing MW3, and he gets a lot of MOAB's in the game, I think it's some sort of secret or something.
Maybe he and I are from a similar lineage or something. I remember the my 2 best soccer games I've ever played were when I was hung over, and the other time after I had pulled an all-nighter….
Something about not being myself or something? lol or maybe I focus harder… I dunno.
Weird duck, I am.
Haha xD
How do you play drunk? I get vertigo when playing FPS's after drinking! Lol
You must be a gaming jedi lol
Ya, I've heard people complain of getting the spins when they drink. I don't get that, personally.
I almost got sick when playing Rockband, though. But I get dizzy when playing that sober. The constant upward scrolling does it to me every time.
Casuals will not know about protest and will play online anyways effectively killing protest.
If they really wanted to make a statement, stop buying these games.
Last edited by cLoudou on 3/29/2012 10:44:50 PM
So where did he come up that robovoice?
I swear that my daughter's old "Tickle Me Elmo" sounded more realistic than he just did.
Ha, maybe his girlfriend just needs to tickle his tummy too.
'We are COD, We will not be denied'……I have heard that voice before……wait……I got it…..Anyone ever play Joe Montana Sports Talk Football for the Genesis. That is the computer voice from that game. AWESOME!!!! Where did that find that voice? HA HA HA
They chose the day all of the stoners just want to chill and play an easy game. Really bad timing. Anyway, if they actually want to see Activision/IW do any of the things they are requesting, they are going to need to schedule an indefinite blackout. Make it very clear they will not play the game or buy any DLC till it is fixed…. that will never happen though.
Let's not play for "24 hours" that'll show em'! Really? Come on now!
Oh that's right you're doing it on a Friday so you can have the weekend to play.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/30/2012 12:51:25 AM
If anything that will be a good day for those who still plan to play or don't know about this stupid boycott. The server load will be less. 😛
there is a reason why people left Battlefield 3 fairly quickly after it launched
Are you serious? The BF3 community is still thriving.
They really picked a bad day to do this. And like the article mentioned, if you only stop for 24 hours Acti/IW won't give a Sh¡t. I'm sure they will be satisfied with all the people that end up playing anyway, weather they don't care or can't stand not to play.
I just thought of this as I was writing. If you want to try and level up somewhat quickly, play on 4/20 when a lot of the really hardcore guys are "protesting"
This is on my birthday so i shall be busy that day lol
I started a blackout months ago …
But seriously , if they want to make a statement , they should just not buy the next call of duty .
Last edited by berserk on 3/30/2012 3:07:19 AM
oh lord forbid antivisions going to go broke if no one plays the game for a whole day!
i wonder if these guys realise how stupid they look.
im starting to feel sorry for developers, no matter what you do you still get porcupines shoved up your a$$!
as the saying goes dammed if you do, dammed if you dont.
Last edited by ___________ on 3/30/2012 3:59:55 AM
You know what, at this rate I think developers should retaliate by delaying the release of games to punish these rebelious fans…
Of course not, but do you see how bad this mentality from fans has become since that Mass Effect 3 incident. To be frank, we simply to not have the right to sit at are computer screens and set up activist campaigns against companies. These are people who have worked hard to get into the position of the industry they are, they have the right to make the creative decisions. Fans outside the industry have no right to do this and are laying such a bad reputation for gaming fans as a whole for this (As we talked about in that article only a few days ago.)
This is really not a step forward people, yur just coming across as spoilt. You can play and complain at every feature left, right and center. I'm going to play games and enjoy them.
Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 3/30/2012 4:22:25 AM
Well said.
I think it's people trying to make a point without knowing how to… just… if you dislike THAT many things about a game, why do you continue to buy it?
It should be that simple…
I don't think activision would care if you protesters didn't play for a whole year, they've already got your money (and alot of it at that)
As others here have suggested, they should just threaten not to buy the next COD, or the next piece of dlc.
Of course that's not going to happen though.
Last edited by Fox hounder on 3/30/2012 5:01:55 AM
All I am saying is, glitches and lag COD is still fun.
I won't pay $60 for it, because it is not changing, but I don't think $60 is a ripoff.
I give activision credit because Call of Duty has alot of content for $60 and lots of modes.
other games can't say the same.
I am no call of duty fanboy, but I will admit the games are very fun
Agreed, they are very fun!
All I am saying is, glitches and lag COD is still fun.
I won't pay $60 for it, because it is not changing, but I don't think $60 is a ripoff.
I give activision credit because Call of Duty has alot of content for $60 and lots of modes.
other games can't say the same.
I am no call of duty fanboy, but I will admit the games are very fun
Yea they are fun. I'm gonna jump in when they release a NEW game (new engine). + i think people prefer the fast pace over Battlefield games. It takes way too long to find people and when you just wanna jump in quickly and out COD is better for that still
OMG… like what would Activision do ? They would have to totally answer our concerns. We can totally get what WE want.