Wow, already? It wouldn't be surprising, per se, but it appears Harmonix is already set to announce another installment in the famed Guitar Hero series. If you look at the following post at the Harmonix Support Center site , you'll see the evidence:
"Guitar Hero 3 for the Playstation 2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii are currently scheduled for release in the United States in Fall of 2007."
The team has already gone on record saying that a new title was being prepared "for every significant platform," but we had no idea the PS2 would be a "significant platform" this fall. Then again, perhaps it's still "significant," and another question arises: how the heck are they producing a brand new third installment that quickly? That's really only a few months down the road! On top of which, Harmonix and new developer Neversoft are going to have to release multiple peripherals for multiple platforms, and that alone could be a tricky endeavor.
Well, despite the questions, it now seems clear that Guitar Hero III is real and – apparently – scheduled for this year.
Related Game(s): Guitar Hero