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Famitsu Poll Gauges Multiplatform Interest

It seems like just about every major third-party franchise might be going multi-platform in this new generation, and Famitsu wanted to find out which franchise fans most wanted to see leave the ranks of exclusivity. As it turns out, Japanese gamers really want to see both Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Final Fantasy XIII on both the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360.

According to C3 News , the online poll revealed that MGS 4 was second with 314 votes and FF XIII ended up 3rd on the poll with 196 votes. MGS 4's exclusivity seems to be in constant debate over at Konami, despite Kojima's insistence the title is a PS3 exclusive. However, the parties involved aren't planning to bring FF XIII to multiple platforms; this one is still a PS3 exclusive, through and through.

"Final Fantasy XIII – Square Enix's flagship series is a PS3 exclusive, and there's nothing to suggest that would ever change, but fans point to the still relatively small market share of Sony's high-end machine and say that the title could be a much bigger hit if it sold on the Xbox 360. Still, Sony and its loyal fans say that the market share of the PS3 will grow significantly once the title hits the racks."

As you can see, Monster Hunter 3 just barely topped the list over MGS 4, but that's probably not indicative of North American or European interest. We'd guess just about everyone wouldn't mind seeing FF XIII and MGS 4 on other platforms, though. The battle for exclusives continues to rage!

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII