Everyone calls ThreeSpeech the "semi-official blog" of Sony, simply because of the following statement: "Three Speech isn't part of PlayStation, but it does get to speak to PlayStation. You could say we're 'semi official'." See? Semi-official. Well, recently, they haven't been getting everything 100% correct.
They've already retracted the statement about Bioshock coming to the PS3; it was part of a big announcement several days ago. Steve Boxer wrote we'd be seeing the game – currently a 360 exclusive – and he further "confirmed" that Killzone , Heavenly Sword , Warhawk , Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction , and Lair would arrive in September. However, none of these games have official release dates yet, except for Lair , which is actually scheduled for July.
For a while, ThreeSpeech was a relatively reliable source for fresh news and "semi-official" gossip, but now, we'd kinda like to know just how often Sony does talk to the writers there. There didn't appear to be any evidence whatsoever concerning a PS3 version of Bioshock , and the same goes for the other titles listed. Perhaps Sony Computer Entertainment Europe or Sony America could provide a clarification as to where ThreeSpeech got such an idea in the first place, and furthermore, how often they communicate with their "semi-official" blog. The mystery isn't quite so amusing, now.