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Comic Book Author To Produce Area 51 Movie

It's certainly primed for the silver screen, as a movie based on Midway's Area 51 is the quintessential action/thriller flick. And as it turns out, the process is already in the works.

According to Variety , comic book writer and artist, Grant Morrison, has signed on to handle the conversion of the FPS to film. We're assuming the upcoming PS3 title, Blacksite: Area 51 , will serve as some kind of inspiration for Morrison, who already has a healthy resume. His published works include issues of Batman, New X-Men, Judge Dredd, JLA, and the Fantastic Four. It seems like Paramount has been waiting on an Area 51 movie for quite some time (they've had the rights since 2004), so when it's done, it will be Morrison's first produced film project. But one guy who has plenty of Hollywood experience, monster master Stan Winston, has also signed on with the project.

Well, looks like we have another shot at a good movie based on a video game. We keep hoping to see a solid game-to-movie adaptation, and simply by the laws of trial and error, you'd think we'd at least get one . …right?

Related Game(s): Blacksite: Area 51

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16 years ago

Took Parmont/CBS a long time by movie making this …about time.