It's always interesting to see a developer's favorite game list. They often have unique and refreshing tastes that differ from the mainstream.
God of War creator and Eat Sleep Play co-founder David Jaffe has revealed his top 10 of 2011 , and it's a pretty eclectic list. We figure that when you love games, you tend to gravitate towards all sorts of genres, styles, themes, and premises. Gotta stay diverse to appreciate different things.
While there are some more obvious choices on the list, like Dead Space 2 , Portal 2 , and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , there are also really cool choices like Jetpack Joyride (the game that "nailed the 'just one more game!' thing better than any other title this year") and Stacking by Double Fine, who Jaffe says "couldn't be boring if they tried." His #1? Well, many probably wouldn't disagree at all…
We're all hoping his new project, Twisted Metal , will be on our Top 10 list of 2012. Chances are, given this guy's drive, dedication and love and of gaming, it'll be in our top 5.
So Batman was his number 1 game. I have not had a chance to play it. I must admit I have never even heard of 4 games on that list.
As for Twisted Metal…I'm not convinced the game is going to do so hot based on how active the threads are for this game at various websites. I know that's not scientific or anything but there appears to be little buzz surrounding the game. Like I said the other day it reminds me of Resistances 3's interest level or maybe even lower. Low thread activity did translate to poor sales with that title. That game was a complete flop and critics could not save it even with decent scores. It's interesting how sometimes good review scores don't translate into sales. Also, it does not help that vehicular combat has been a dead genre for years.
Maybe TM can be the game that revives the genre, but it's going to need drum up more interest from gamers. People just do not seem to be hyped for it. Great multi-player gameplay could definitely put it on the map. I remain convinced this game will need a lot of help to do well in my humble opinion.
Some of those games are for the iOS. I know one is for sure, the storm in a teacup game, which I found to be very boring, ha. But who am I to say?!
As a follow-up to this, Jaffe tweeted that he intended to include Mortal Kombat on his list but he forgot to include it as he had to rush. 🙂
I don't see The Legend of Zelda similarities he claims exist in Arkhem City. Good game though. Even that would have been a better VGA GOTY choice the Skyrim.
Skyrim is a pretty good choice. I think Uncharted 3 deserves it more than any game I've played this year, taking all considerations. But Skyrim on it's vastness and scale alone puts it miles ahead of most games, especially this year.
Thats just my opinion of course. 😉 should it have won goty? I dont know, but it did and it does a ton of great things both for the player and the industry.
With as flawed as it is on a technical level it doesn't deserve GOTY. Bethsheda doesn't catch enough flack for making near broken games. Giving Slyrim the GOTY award is akin to giving a film an Oscar for best cinematography when the camera was out of focus.
I understand there have been many complaints about how flawed it is on the PS3 (not sure about the PC or 360 versions). I do think that Bethesda should be getting hammered for letting a game go gold like that. But it's hard for me to think otherwise when I've not experienced anything that would dismiss it from the GOTY nominations. I feel like a fanboy when I say I havnt experienced those issues, cus so many others have, but I havnt. I have experienced some issues little things, but I usually catch something in every game.
I agree though, I think it does deserve a nomination, but for the reasons you mentioned it probably shouldn't have gotten the win, regardless if I'm experiencing the issues or not. So if the game runs great on one console and terrible on another, should the game get belittle for that? Or should that fall on the developer? Because right now the game is taking the punishment. When in reality the game, aside from issues people are talking about, is simply something amazing.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/31/2011 2:08:46 AM
I think the amount of people that consider Skyrim game of the year mutes that analogy, Jawknee
Last edited by packersfan66 on 12/31/2011 9:15:44 AM
Actually it doesn't but you're free to disagree.
I dunno, fellow Nova Scotian. The design and gameplay mechanics of Skyrim are indeed fantastic. But I agree with Jawknee. If you can't make a game work properly on all platforms, it's not the best game of the year.
Give it to a game that won't eventually break down.
Can you imagine how many people would freak if CoD's multiplayer did that after 80 hours? MW3 isn't GOTY contender at all… but it works. So for me, even THAT is a better choice than Skyrim.
I'm a completionist. I cannot risk putting in 80+ hours into a game only to eventually not be able to finish it because of the file size of my save file.
That's just stupid. I'm passing on Skyrim altogether until I hear it's fixed. OR until I stumble across a PC version and fix up my PC. Whichever comes first.
My 2011 top 10
10. LittleBigPlanet 2
9. Battlefield 3 Multiplayer
8. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
7. God of War Origins Collection
6. Batman Arkhem City
5. Killzone 3
4. Mario 3D Land
3. Uncharted 3
2. inFamous 2
1.The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Very balanced list there Jawks.
Nice list Jawk. Infamous 2 doesn't get nearly enough credit as it should
There's just no way inFamous 2 is a better game than Uncharted 3. As much as I love it…just no way. 🙂
Not that it's a better game per se, I just got more enjoyment time out of it. I found it more addicting than Uncharted 3.
Well, as I always say, a "favorite" list is different than a "best" list. I always make the mistake of confusing the two at times. When I say FFT is the best game of all time, occasionally I wonder if I ACTUALLY mean, "my favorite game of all time."
…or both. LOL
Ha, you're right. I didn't even think of if that way. The list I made is certainly my favorites list.
GTA5 will be up there in 2012 for me, looking forward to Bioshock Infinite too.
If I had to choose a top 10 this year it might be tough, but probably predictable, it wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary because I only buy games for my PS3 and games that are AAA titles or are supposed to be great.
Let's give it a go:
10. MLB 11 the show
9. Dead Space 2
8. Batllefiled 3
7. Crysis 2
6. Killzone 3
5. CoD: MW3
4. InFamous 2
3. ME2
2. Skyrim
1. Uncharted 3
ive never been able to get into jetpack joyride.
fruit ninja, doodle jump, angry birds, fruit ninja, yea.
eh, nice to see DS2 finally getting some recognition though!
one of the years most under rated titles!!!!!!!
Holy crap, someone actually likes Dead Space 2. All kidding aside, the only reason DS2 isn't on more lists like this is because it released so early in the year. The same applies to LBP2, despite both it and DS2 being two of the best games of the year.
Although nothing beats Uncharted 3 for me. Even if inFamous and Batman were close.