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Porn Studio Picks PS3 and Blu-Ray

Like it or not, in addition to the PlayStation 2, pornography was one of the reasons that the DVD format became so popular. Now it seems that at least one major player in the adult film industry is hoping to ride the coattails of the PlayStation 3, and is adopting the Blu-Ray format. Xbiz is reporting that Digital Playground has embraced Blu-Ray over rival HD-DVD, in part because of the large user-base the PlayStation 3, which will also utilize the technology, is likely to have.

Digital Playground's co-founder said ""We see PlayStation 3 as the Trojan horse that will lead the way and Blu-ray as the format that will be around longer – and we can do more interesting things with it." He went on to say that all things considered, the two formats were relatively equal.

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16 years ago

Not sure if you've seen this new ps3 site, but you might want to give it a shot. You can watch free 2-3 minute previews at <a href="">IPinkVisual</a&gt; and full episodes at <a href="">Iphone Porn</a>.