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PSXE Poll Update: The Last Of Us Had A Significant Impact

When Naughty Dog unveiled their new project, The Last Of Us , at the Spike TV Video Game Awards, gamers everywhere were blown away.

In our recent poll, we wanted to know if that impact had a lingering effect; if gaming enthusiasts were already on board the developer's bandwagon for this amazing-looking game.

Well, the answer appears to be a resounding "yes." The majority polled have little doubts and are totally pumped, while the second-largest number of participants said the game looks great, but they have to see some gameplay before letting the drool flow. There's no doubt that even the baseline information for The Last Of Us is highly encouraging, and that trailer is just exquisite . In our eyes, only Naughty Dog seems capable of giving us something that makes us go, "…damn, no other game is like this."

Now, it's time for the PSXE Reader's Choice for Game of the Year 2011. We've selected 10 finalists and you'll whittle the list down to 5 this week. Then it's the final showdown next week. This being an Uncharted year, we have a feeling we can predict the final winner…but then again, who knows? Lots of amazing games this year. 🙂

P.S. If there's some sort of massive outcry concerning the nominations, just let me know…but let me know fast so I can change it quick. 😉  I included Dark Souls because I know there are tons of loyal fans out there, even if we didn't give it a super high score.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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12 years ago

Dark Souls deserves to be on that list so I'm thankful that you included it.

It's my GOTY but it was a close call between that and Skyrim.

If I could give another vote, Resistance 3 for shooter of the year.

Last edited by frostface on 12/18/2011 10:26:51 PM

12 years ago

My GOTY would be Zelda: Skyward Sword, but specifically on PS3 would be LBP2.

12 years ago

YES! Me too. I just completed my second play through last night on Hero Mode with 100% completion. Going to spend some time trying to complete all 12 of the Thunder Dragon's Lightening Round. So far I have logged nearly 120 hours. Such an awesome game.

12 years ago

From the new list I had to go with Uncharted 3. Was certainly the best game this year I played on the PS3. However, my personal GOTY is obviously The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. 🙂

12 years ago

Uncharted 3 gets my vote. I've played the majority of the games on the list and found it difficult to make a decision.

12 years ago

My top choices were between Skyrim and Uncharted. I went with Uncharted because I feel it accomplished everything it went after. Skyrim is amazing but it has had its problems.

12 years ago

yeah the lagging and various issues with skyrim are why I went with UC3.

12 years ago

Uncharted 3

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago


12 years ago

Right now after the games I've played in order:

Uncharted 3
inFamous 2

Haven't played Portal, LA Noire, Dark Souls or Batman (getting that for Christmas) so I can't cast a vote until I've played Batman as I don't think I'll be playing the other games on the list (especially after Demon Soul's scared me away).

Just curious why wasn't inFamous 2 on the list?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

It just wasn't rated high enough overall, I think. I don't know what I could take off the list for inFamous 2…

Maybe it wins the "11th Man Award." 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/19/2011 12:24:17 AM

12 years ago

It's been a good year for gaming…

12 years ago

Uncharted 3. Skyrim does not deserve it due the bugs it has. It gets very frustrating at times.

12 years ago

No Assassin's Creed Revelations :(? It was such a nice addition to Ezio's story leading up to the downloadable 'Embers" short film.

12 years ago

I feel you, it is a very good list.

Maxpontiac besides some lag at times Skyrim is just absurdly amazing, but totally get where you're coming from. I haven't had too many issues yet and hope Bethesda can iron out those bug issues on PS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

From a fan POV, inFamous 2. Game was a blast from start to finish. A more critical POV makes it a tough contest between UC3 and Skyrim. I have to vote UC3 though. Skyrim reminds me too much of my last relationship, while UC3 is a better product, though certainly not without its own flaws.

12 years ago


12 years ago

InFamous 2 needs to be on that list. I'd put that instead of Killzone 3.

Anyways for GOTY it's very close for me between Portal 2, Batman : AC, inFamous 2 and U3. I might give it to Batman or maybe even Infamous 2 as a darkhorse.

12 years ago

no DS2 love?
for shame!
id love to say LA Noire, i wish i could say LA Noire, but i cant.
it was such a awesome game, so fresh, so ambitious, so new.
but it left out so much it really should of had and that was really disappointing, just spoiled the whole experience!
like paying jamie oliver to make you dinner, then topping the salad with bears urine!
so id have to go for portal 2.
one of the VERY few games this gen that are near flawless!
not a single thing i would chance in that game!
well, besides the later levels get a little repetitive and boring once you leave the lab and get into the run down areas it gets a little sterile but besides that it was perfect!

12 years ago

Didn't play skyrim yet, but for me it's a 4 way tie between mass effect 2, uncharted 3, portal 2, and batman arkham city.

I want to give it to uncharted, I have a soft spot for batman, so it's batman for me, although it's super close. uncharted gets best exclusive game and graphics.

Runner up for me is battlefield 3, getting a squad of buddies and going online is one of the best experiences I've had this generation 🙂

12 years ago

Mass Effect 2 for me. Loved it and the feeling I got going through the Relay for the first time sent shivers down my spine.

Uncharted 3 is brilliant as well but didn't have the same impact this time as U2 did on me.

Portal 2 and Killzone 3 are close runner ups.

Good year for gaming!

My biggest disappointment was LA Noire. Wanted to love it but it left me cold.

12 years ago

LittleBIGPlanet 2! Definatly. People are still creating AMAZING things, like un-thinkable amazing things (one released last week by steve_big_guns has you control a bunny to get your girlfriend back by hopping about, along with a a magnitude of other abilities). If you loved the side-scrolling platforming games of the Nintendo days, there all here in remake form.

And as much I loved Uncharted 3 (I've said it before and I'll say it again – there is NO bigger Uncharted fan that I :P), it just borrowed (or straight-up stole) ideas from Uncharted 2 for me to consider it GOTY. It really does pain me to say it, but its true (and I was right; ND would never top Uncharted 2)…

…yet PSXExtreme gave it a higher score…heh. Did Ben review Uncharted 2? Makes sense if there was two different reviewers reviewing the two games…if not…hmmm. Anywho, LittleBIGPlanet 2 is my GOTY. I don't think it will win, but it sure as hell should!

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 12/19/2011 3:15:52 AM

12 years ago

GotY – I vote Catherine!

12 years ago

My head says Skyrim, my heart says Mass Effect. I listened to my heart.

12 years ago

My GotY is Batman: Arkham City. I loved Uncharted 3, but Batman takes the prize from me this year. I also REALLY enjoyed Rage, too. Too bad it's not on this list.

12 years ago

Yeah, RAGE is worth a nomination at least.
Personally I missed Crysis 2 on that list. Deus Ex deserved to be mentioned too… There's simply too many great games this year!

Not that it *really* matter – we all know who will harvest most votes anyway. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/19/2011 6:04:30 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

If it were entirely up to me, RAGE would replace Dark Souls on that list. But I know we have a lot more DS fans around here, so… 🙂

12 years ago

Yeah, I have to say that I probably haven't enjoyed a FPS as much as Rage since playing the first Red Faction on the PS1. If anything's holding Rage back frow awards this year, it'd be its weak ending. Everything else in that game was mind-blowing fun, though!

12 years ago

With all of the problems with Skyrim its hard for me to vote for it but considering that it has a huge following i'm sure the problems will be overlooked.

I also want to say that I hope people dont forget how good some of the other games are on the list just because they came out early this year. People tend to have the "right here right now mindset" and might gravitate to their most recent gaming experiences…ie games that came out in the last two months…

12 years ago

The GOTY for me is uncharted 3 I haven't played skyrim yet although with the problems skyrim has had i'd probably say uncharted 3 for the GOTY.

12 years ago

Seeing that the PS3 version of Skyrim was botched, for me the only real head scratcher is between Batman and Uncharted 3.
On one hand, Uncharted's cinematics and overall graphics top Batman's pretty easily, and then there's Uncharted's multiplayer adding value to the complete package. But on the other hand, Batman's single player stuff has more "game play" about it, as in more to do and more to think about, and it's all done very very well. I can respect any decision. Maybe I should toss a coin.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/19/2011 11:21:48 AM

12 years ago

as i haven't played batman arkham city nor skyrim my GOTY vote goes to uncharted 3, resistance 3 i found very enjoyable aswell, theres just something about the resistance series like so much.

12 years ago

mass effect 2 was another great game, i seemed to of played that for weeks evens months at the start of the year, theirs so many great games i hav'nt played, must get killzone 3 an infamous 2 at some point.

12 years ago

i'm going with LA Noire. if for nothing else the sheer fact that it tried something totally different & introduced new and revolutionary gameplay elements. it wasn't perfect but its something i'll remember for a long time.

honourable mentions to uncharted 3. infamous 2 & Limbo. i haven't played assassin creed revelations yet getting it as a christmas gift i'm sure that will be a favorite of mine to.

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 12/19/2011 1:25:04 PM

12 years ago

I've only played two games off of that list so it's between littlenigplanet 2 and mass effect.
Absolutely loved mass effect, the last game I felt that way about was bioshock, games with atmosphere that stay with you.

I really hope there will be more games like that in the future, maybe once developers aren't focused on graphics they'll focus on giving it atmosphere and a deep story.

Bring on the PS4!

12 years ago

I love Dark Souls soo much but no. this goes for Uncharted 3.

12 years ago

I voted for Uncharted 3, Drakes Deception!



12 years ago

I felt a little guilty voting because out all of them, I've only played KZ3 so far so I had to go with the only one I could vouch for so far…KZ3
(FYI, most of the others are still in my huge backlog & yet to be played, plus a few that I haven't bought yet due to tight money since I'm still out of work).

But I would've voted for Rage as my top vote,had had it been on that list, and it's so damned much fun, that I'm already on my 2nd play-through.

12 years ago

I went with Dark Souls even though I have yet to buy it, I did play for about 20 to 30 hours at a friends house and it was/is just as addictive as Demon's Souls was. I can't wait to get back to work so I can pick up a few of the games on this list.

I wish use would have had a larger list as some of the other games that are not on there really deserved to be. I would also consider doing a Downloadable GOTY list as well completely seperate from disc-based of course.

12 years ago

I of course choose UC3 love it 🙂
can't wait for the weekend would love to get more gaming time in 🙂