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Catherine Gets Euro Date And Special Flip Cover

Okay, European gamers, the good news is finally here.

One of the most unique and entertaining games of the year, Catherine , will be distributed in Europe by Deep Silver in February.

You'll also get a double-sided cover for first edition copies. One side shows Katherine, Vincent's steady love interest, and the other side depicts Catherine, the object of Vincent's taboo lust. So just pick the girl that deserves to be on the front. The press release reads-

"This way consumers will get the opportunity to select their personal preference, as to which of the women in his life the game's main character, Vincent, should choose."

Shipping in PAL territories in February 2012, this is a potential award-winner and one that will really tax your problem-solving capabilities. Atlus also tosses in a mature, intelligent storyline that tackles the difficult subjects of love, matrimony, faith, and commitment. You should definitely give it a try.

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13 years ago

They should give the US a chance to at least buy that flipping cover for a buck or two, but no more.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

WOOHOO! February is now definitely my favourite month.

13 years ago

You're gonna love it

13 years ago

really interested in the story of this, but i HATE block puzzles!
bad month to release it in too, febs going to be drowned with vita titles!

13 years ago

I was worried about that at 1st, but it really is not a problem and becomes quite fun, is there a Demo out yet, I recommend trying it 1st before hand just incase.

13 years ago

Same here. The whole relationship scenario and adult look at lust and love was fantastic!! Something video games rarely dive into.

But the block puzzle element kinda put me off. I wouldn't mind if it was played only a few times here and there, but it is in every chapter, occurring well over a dozen times!!

I don't think I have that much patience with block puzzles when I simply want to get on with the story and how I'll choose to act next.

13 years ago

I don't think it is fair to complain at the puzzle element of the game, it is the main focus of the game play. I was impressed by how it managed to keep the variety manatined through out each chapter.It's also very symbolic to the situation Vincent is in and very well intergrated into the story.

I liked the structure of chapters in this game. Then after each night you could chill out in the bar in the social sim aspect of the game.

13 years ago

I hate block puzzles too, and I loved this game. They don't feel like block puzzles you are used to, in fact they don't feel like puzzles at all. It's more like logic and critical thinking instead of tricks of the mind.

13 years ago

I have actually now become more interested in a euro release date for Rocksmith. Every time I look at my guitar I get that itch.

I wish everything were global, period.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/25/2011 4:10:52 AM

13 years ago

GotY in my opinion, really loved it (I ported it from the US, couldn't wait until Feb.). I payed a little over normal retail price but I don't regret a penny. So far played 30 hours, and I have plenty more to do still. I have yet to try the multiplayer mode as I am waiting for my flatmate to get up to shape.

As for the bonus, thats pretty poor in comparison to the 'Love is Over' edition you all got. Which to this day still seems one of the most amusing special editions I have seen for a game.

13 years ago

Gonna give this a look in February, was interested in it but then found out I'd have had to import it. Plus other stuff got thrown at me.

13 years ago

In the top 5 games of the year.