The rumor began a little while ago concerning a new Katamari for the next-gen consoles, and thanks to GameFly, it now appears the rumor is closer to truth. As we normally peruse places like EB listings for early indications of far-off titles, the mail-based game service is rapidly becoming another source…we just can't say how reliable the source is.
GameFly is listing Beautiful Katamari for the PS3 and Xbox 360, with an estimated release date of October. The Wii version should arrive a month later. Now, considering Namco Bandai didn't want the rumor leaked in the first place, and has yet to confirm anything, discoveries like this are kinda like mini-confirmations in their own right.
Besides, it makes perfect sense. The first two games were big hits, despite their somewhat niche appeal, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that another installment would appear in the new generation. All that's left now is for Namco to come right out and say it: Beautiful Katamari is in the works, and it's coming for all three next-gen consoles. C'mon, just make the announcement, guys. We know you want to…
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