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Bethesda: Fallout 3 Fans Will Definitely Enjoy Skyrim

Think the new Elder Scrolls adventure will be very similar to the last entry, Oblivion ?

Well, while there will no doubt be similarities, Skyrim game director Todd Howard told PC Gamer that fans of Fallout 3 will find satisfaction and fulfillment when The Elder Scrolls V drops on November 11.

Howard made multiple comparisons to Fallout 3 , saying they've taken a lot of inspiration from Bethesda's previous post-apocalyptic gem. Firstly, like Fallout 3 , leveling up won't mean the weaker foes will disappear:

"[Skyrim]’s a lot more like Fallout 3, where as you level up you are going to see harder things, but the easier things stay around as well. You’ll still run into the weaker stuff and you’ll just decimate it."

Howard also confirmed that there won't be many "completely random conversations," as players will have a specific conversation with a specific person. Again, this is reminiscent of Fallout 3 . Lastly, he mentioned environmental storytelling, where "you come upon a little scene" when exploring. These are the types of elements commonly found in role-playing games these days, but hardcore RPG fans will tell you there are significant differences between The Elder Scrolls and Fallout .

And it's very interesting to hear that Fallout 3 has played a very large role in the development of Skyrim .

Related Game(s): The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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12 years ago


12 years ago

No need for the sad panda bear face cap'n! These sound like good additions to me.

Its not like all the monsters will stay weak, just as you adventure you may run into weaker ones.

And you get to witness small events just running around at certain places ( I assume ) that's pretty nifty. I'm also diggin the fact that there won't be random convo's, I don't want to hear people talking about jensines good as new merchandise or how ulgy mudcrabs are, I wanna hear legitimate convos from one npc to another. I feel it'll give more "life" the the npcs, at the least more of a personality of sorts.

I say, as long as bethesda keeps adding nifty little things like this, the better it'll be. It'll be more enthralling? Developed? I can't think of the word I want right now, so thosell have to work.

One more thing id love to see, is for them to fix the 3rd person view. Right now in oblivion in 1st person the right stick controls the camera ( and also the way your character turns ) which is normal for a 1st person perspective. But for those who want 3rd person, which is me when I'm riding on my horse, let's have the camera be like that of wkc's camera. Meaning in 3rd person I want the left stick to do the walking/running like normal, but I also want it to be able to make my character turn right or left and just leave the right stick in 3rd person to move the camera without turning your character.
Cause right now, in 3rd p. The right sticks makes your character turn and if you use the left stick to go left or right, its like your side stepping.

I prolly could've explained that better, but I'm sure everyone will know what I meaan.

Oh and please forgive the typos, new phone has smaller buttons that I'm not used to. I'm not digging it.

12 years ago

Good news, Oblivion was good but Fallout 3 was light years better. Add them up and you get the perfect fantasy life in a game. All I want to know is that Bethesda is moving right to Fallout 4 after Skyrim.

12 years ago

I loved both games but the only thing better about fallout 3 was the leveling, between you and the enemies. But I will say that both games were excellent and I have over 300 hours probably between the two.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/27/2011 12:00:31 AM

12 years ago

i enjoyed fallout 3 way more than i did oblivion. i've said this before…fallout 3 is flat out one of the best videogames i have ever played. so much content jammed into that game, and it's all great.

12 years ago

Well all I will say is, if you put both games together, you have nothing but success, both games were so good!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/27/2011 12:01:43 AM

12 years ago

I hated Oblivion, but loved Fallout 3. I wasn't planning on getting this one, because it is the sequel to Oblivion, but this has me thinking about it twice…

12 years ago

Me too! Especially the part about "environmental storytelling", cause that's the thing I loved the most in the Fallout games. Adds incredibly much to the joy of exploring.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/27/2011 12:14:43 AM

12 years ago

Just seem to me that they are trying to get fallout3 fan to buy their game .

They are manipulating people by telling lies .All business fun .

You can see by some of the post it worked .

Last edited by berserk on 10/27/2011 12:19:48 AM

12 years ago

How do you know they are lying?

12 years ago

Both franchises are similar because they have an open world with lots of customizations (weapons, magic, skills, alchemy, etc). I don't see any lying.

12 years ago

Not really lies ( should have thought more about that sentence in my first post ) , just that i don t see how those 2 thing are enough to be able to say fallout 3 fan Will Definitely Enjoy Skyrim.

Last edited by berserk on 10/27/2011 9:50:39 AM

12 years ago

Sign me up then.

Also does anyone know if it will have werewolves and if you can catch lycanthropy?

12 years ago

What i m really interested to hear is if the environment are a lot more interesting and varied . Don t want to wander in the same kind of environment for hours .

The only thing i need to hear before buying it .

12 years ago

i loved fallout 3, and every trailer, even the new trailer they showed at the expo last weekend put me to sleep!
everything about skyrim screams BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!

12 years ago

Speak for yourself asshole. IMO it looks a lot more fun and (in certain instances) exciting than most of what's released this year.

12 years ago

Loved Oblivion on PC. Loved Fallout 3 on PS3. Day 1 purchase of course!

12 years ago

Fallout 3 is one of the the best games of the generation, my 2nd best game ever, love it far more than Oblivion. So this is good

12 years ago

Am I the only one who liked oblivion more than fallout 3. Skyrim will drain my freetime.

12 years ago

That's good to hear since I loved Fallout way more than Oblvion.

12 years ago

Not like this is going to sway me picking up the game on 11.11.11 much. I don't have much doubt this'll be better than most other multiplats that released this year.

Still though, glad to hear they took inspiration from a brilliant game.

12 years ago

I'm not worried how Skyrim turns out at all.Either way i'm still getting a d1p.I loved both Oblivion and Fallout 3.

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