This past week's poll proved more interesting than initially anticipated.
It was a very even split amongst gamers who said they'd pick up Batman: Arkham City on day one, those who said they'd have to wait for reviews, and those who just said they'd be getting other games. The majority, however, certainly expressed some interest in Rocksteady's latest gem, and the critics have been singing the praises of the Caped Crusader's new adventure. We certainly loved it ; it could just be the front-runner for Game of the Year.
This week, rather than focus on Battlefield 3 – everyone's gonna do that – we thought we'd ask about your PS4 release prediction. The hot rumor is that internal Sony studios are already working on game concepts for the new PlayStation, so maybe it's closer than we all think. So is the end of next year within the realm of possibility? Or is it still a long ways off?
Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City
My prediction is 2014, with Xbox debuting a year ahead again in 2013.
I have to side with World on this one (big surprise, I usually do!). Based on what I've been hearing about the new XBox, it's likely further along in its development than the PS4, so we can likely expect the same release sequence and timing as the current gen hardware.
I'd actually prefer that, too. I know that Sony would like to release it at the same time, or before, to swing hardware sales back in their favor, but if they do so at the cost of inferior/unreliable build quality akin to the 360's, they may find their long-time fans up in arms against them.
Personnally id prefer for both systems to come out within 1-2 months of difference between each other max. Same day release would be the coolest and a real clash of the titans.
Either that or PS3 releases a bit b4 360 would be better.
Imagine if the 360 did not have that one year lead… The gaming world might be totally different. I know they don't have bluray but even with a year older machine they managed to have it pretty close to the ps3 in specs anyway.
So now unless Sony makes a real hardware difference with the extra 1 year ( more memory and clearly better 3d card than competition )… They oughta release it same time. Because I feel that with the PS3, they did not take full advantage of their extra year to perfect their system. Yes we had better techs and more options but the difference in raw 3d power was not enough to fill the gap I think.
And you know the 360 showed us its all about getting to the people first… Then early adopters will get it… And even if its crap and keeps blowing up they will defend their choice to the end. XD I think PS2 also came out earlier than its competitors… If we don't count the failcast XD
Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/23/2011 11:58:06 PM
I think it'll be 2013 along side with new xbox
I have a hunch that Microsoft will release the next Eggs Box before Xmas 2012. Sony will release early 2013 in response. If u think how 360 exclusives have run dry with little to nothing planned for 2012, the new Eggs Box may be out sooner than we think.
By 2014, we'll have watches that out perform the 360, that's too far ahead.
Dunno. I still don't feel like the PS3 is over with, or like it's really even hit its peak. The end of the generation was when a lot of the best games came out for PS1 and PS2, and we haven't seen that end-of-gen creativity and weirdness going on. No Valkyrie Profile or Okami or anything like that. I've also started to get the feel – although not really true – that the PS3 can do anything, and we don't need a new console for a long, long time.
I mean, look at the games we have now. Not photo realistic, but close enough for me. I'm pretty happy with this 😉
I wasn't going to get Batman on day one but I am glad I did. I managed to score the Bestbuy preorder incentive even though I didn't preorder it. They must of had more than enough preorder copies. Had I waited too long, I might not have been as fortunate. I hope they release the rest of the preorder costumes on PSN. That 1970's bat suite with the yellow emblem has always been my favorite.
I would love to get in the Batman games someday. Darn to many games not enough time.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/23/2011 11:13:59 PM
doubt the review scores have had much of a effect, AA was such a kick a$$ game everyone was instantly sold on this!
as for ps4 for me it cant come soon enough!
well obviously for expenses i dont want it, but otherwise it will be really cool to see what new things it will bring.
im not so sure M$ will get as much of a head start this time though.
the gap REALLY hurt $ony, so i would like to think they have learnt their lesson and wont do it again.
but then, if $ony have proved anything to me its there thick as mules so i guess anythings possible!
I just bought BAC yesterday and I must say its certainly worthy of the 96 Metacritic score. I finished the first game, Arkham Asylum but I found it repetitive, clibing through air vents and dangling off gargoyles, this game on the otherhand wants you to continue playing just to see what happens next.I have no regrets about this game, pity about Rage though, repetitive,tedious and mediocre!As for PS4, too soon, we just getting comfy with PS3.
Batman Arkham City is an amazing game! I do not say this often, but this game is a MUST play. Without a doubt on of the best games I ever played.
Normaly in free roaming games you are a dog. Fetch this, do this, get this, bring this to me… Batman is no dog, Batman solves cases, you are expected to think. What a great concept.
The majority of reviews were already out pre day one anyways.
The reviews persuaded me to buy it, and I'm not dissapointed.
As for the PS4, Sony just need to co-incide a release directlt against MS. They waited far too long with the 3 and ended up needlessly playing catch up.
If they stick to this formula – it wont matter when it's released for me as great games are still being punted out for the 3.
As I keep saying to my kids, "Stop wanting for things tomorrow and enjoy what you've got today."
I don't know, I could not care less about Batman, so I am just not interested in the game. Just because it has 9+ reviews doesn't suddenly change my mind…. its still Batman, which I personally find off putting.
Why? Why do much hate for the Bat? He's one of the greatest comicbook heros of all time. He kicks ass and doesn't even need super powers to do it. He's more believable then any other super hero ever created.
I dislike all superhero films. I find the concept just silly. plus I am sick of seeing them everywhere nowadays.
I didn't mention films. Though Christopher Nolan's Batman films are amazing. That aside, as a comic character, Batman is quite possibly one of the best. Even to this day. He was a comic book character long before he hit the big screen. Arkham City is one of the best games to grace our PS3's this year, possibly this gen. I mean, if you can push through that borefest, and over acted mellow drama that is FFXIII and buy its cash grab sequel, surely you can give Batman a chance. 😉
I was HOOKED on Batman this weekend! The game is absolutely fun…and the Catwoman and Robin DLC…endless fun. And it's fresh playing as them as they don't play like some re-skinned Batman.
@Jawknee I heard if you buy the Batman movie "year one" then you'll get the 1970s outfit DLC code.
Oooooh, I may have to do that.
EDIT: Ah bummer. I just looked it up. It's not the blue, grey and yellow batsuite from the 70's. It's the one from the 30's when he was first introduced. Which makes sense since the movie it comes with is called "Year One".
Last edited by Jawknee on 10/24/2011 1:20:58 PM
Although I played through Arkham Asylum just to say I played through it (then returned it), I'm genuinely satisfied I got Arkham City. There are a couple things that keep the fun factor from being as high as it should be (flying can be a bit touchy, making traversal in Arkham City a bit of task at times; Arkham City can look a bit monotonous at times; and the loading times can be irksome especially when inside buildings and rooms) but it is a solid game, the best implementation of Unreal engine, yet, and the most realized comic book superhero game.
Although, it isn't my favorite game of this gen, it is still amongst the elite ones, being top class in a number of things (best implementation of mallet combat, excellent voice acting, thick atmosphere, intelligent puzzles).